My daughter on winter are often sick , angina beginning and aches hurting, friends advices to do warmed compresses, why are they using and how?Would think its benefit for everybody to know, sometime done compress, but feeling chill, not a warm.
Answers Doctor Zonenshain.
Spirit warming compress without doctor s advices avoiding doing, that he's causing acuting diseases, which are having, as avoiding in oncology process, chronic pus otitis, bronchitis, pleuritis, if on the skin having scratches, boils, abscess.
If angina attacked you call the doctor, he will check and answer about compress, and individual help you can do warm throat with woollen scarf or big cotton piece, dry warm in angina benefit always.
When disease complicated by acute catarrhal otitis/when diagnosis is true doctor pit, not you /, thus spirit compress here benefit. Tea .sp. of vinegar diluted in 0.5 l. of water, vodka or diluted on half with water and spirit.
A remember compress having three layers, first is a piece of clean tight, but soft fabric/flax towel, wetted in data solutions and pressed good. And in otitis this towel cut on 2/3 a length and a wear on ear auricle, wetted fabric closed a head region behind ear , which need to warm in acute catarrhal otitis. A second layer for compress is film, or waxed sheet, her cut also, like a moisturized fabric. Third layer is cotton which fixing on the head by gauze or scarf, an every layer is needing widely for last on 2 cm. Spirit compress keep 2 hours order, and better apply his before sleep, if you are removed compress, not lied in bed, use home works, thus warming effect lowering, against over cooling wrap head with scarf. And when after procedure you are feeling chill, thus compress applied wrong, film, cotton are not a full covered wetted fabric. A needing for spirit compresses, usually falling off in 4–5 days.
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