Among many diseases are having a calling chameleons-diseases. They are not causing hard destroys in organism ,but theirs clinical picture is same on a sign are others are serious diseases, and this chameleon having and neurocirculatory dystonia a calling as famous vegeto-vessel dystonia. Its functional disease, as in his base a lie are not pathologic changes in organ s tissue, but destroying regulation his activity, as heart from, vessels , and in CNS constantly going nerve impulses are signals. Usually you are not feeling theirs. But a threshold for sensitiveness perceiving are nerve apparatus are lowering, thus normal signals, from heart, perceiving as ache, discomfort in this region, normal shortening myocard perceiving as gain, feeling pulsation in periphery vessels , which often you are not feels. A many symptoms for dystonia are same, like in displaying organic heart damage. As heartache imitates symptoms for ishemic diseases, which in patient not having.
And by many searching, checking she is not threats for your life , but when doctor checking you a putting this diagnosis, thus patient put under doubt a doctor, and beginning visiting many specialists,in searching for finding serious disease. Attention concentrated on own feelings, causing fear and worry about an own life. Patients worries are heart aches, lump in throat, hard air transferring in lungs, fast tiredness, weakness. Heartache having with anxiety, often heart beating, sweating, inside tremble at stuffiness place, in women's before menses. But just women's, are young, Middle Ages having dystonia, as all displaying wrong rating by patients as heart work. On the real time are results of activity sympatric region for nerve system. And yes, she is affecting on your life sufferings giving for you. Lowering life quality , and its all hardening a cure for dystonia so as success depending on from healing methods and does are doctor and patient having a common understanding between each other , and unite forces in diseases fighting.
Am frequently talking for my patients ,they must trust for doctor, maximally recover an own life method. A sleep right need to be for 7-8 hours, less rad books for night, watch TV , to stay online , go to sleep on 23.00,thus you can wake up on the morning , if you cannot sleep since 23.00 or waking up through night, and lie without a sleep doctor prescribing sedatives.
A disease is referring to the diseases, where a fight with a which going using physical exercises,as water procedures, walks, skies , camps , you are selecting what you want more. A physical culture, activity mobility, hardening rising mood, charge for energy ,which are needing every patient. A lowering sensitiveness for nerve system to impulses, going from inside organs, going from heart, vessels, fighting ache in heart and other displays for dystonia. But avoid over do it , a loading not to be a high , and her need to agree with a doctor ,so as he can be worsening feeling. Normalize meal regime, eat on 4-5 times/day , not eat much, and for night, as over filling rising diaphragm ,and causing refectory ache in heart. Avoid drink caffeine much, as tea,they are affecting on heart activity as excite , avoid and alcohol. Dystonia displaying as wavelike, periods of good feelings alternating with worsening condition, causing of physical overstrain and mental , acute respiratory infection, long work without a rest, insufficient sleep. Its not need fearing, just normalize life regime and visit doctor, he prescribes remedies, which in improving condition will cancel. If you are having caries teeth, you are often sicked of angina, cold, thus visit specialists for liquidate niduses of infections in organism, if not to do it, thus dystonia will often acute. And about a Spa , use local Spas, rest on south on summer months are avoiding, not try to tan, its not benefit for you, but swim in opened ponds you must use as on water temperature on 22C and not lower.
By Makolkin, professor.
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