Hypertension is dangerous , but hypotonia is not dangerous, does it right?
Very often asking in doctor this question answers assistant for cathedral of inside diseases' nor 1 a first Moscow region by Sechenov name , candidate for medical science Podzolkov, and answer on this is not simple , that mechanism for destroying for regulation of vessel tone are not studied till end. When a fast lowering arterial pressure as of bleeding, acute infection disease ,shock, collapse, wrong reaction on remedy ,its also dangerous, that here destroying blood supply of vital importance organs and head brain, myocard, kidneys, thus patient need a first help at hospital. Sometimes feeling a patient very good, doing physical and mental work, that a low pressure is 100/60 ml is not suspected , and informing when he is doing medical tests, its physiological hypotonia, its not dangerous. But if you are having fast weakness, not ability to concentrate, apathia, worsening memory, fatigue after sleep, affecting addictions from weather as changing for barometric pressure ,thus is meaning in development for chronic arterial hypotonia ,which is not harmless. Sometimes she is displaying with senses lost, belly aches, ache joints and muscles, in mans destroying sex function, in women's are menses cycle. And genetical predisposition having to hypotonia ,but we are informed, that by cases in a few hypotonia patients are displaying hypertension. And for the keeping good feeling are importance using active life mode, doing regular exercises, everyday doing water procedures. Tourist hikes, skies, bicycle are improving feeling and restoring regulation for vessel tone, but to stimulants as enterococcus, ginseng, shisandra are using by prescription.
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