By Kotelnikov, professor.
At cabinet in surgeries patient N, 36 y.old hard worker on factory with iron concrete constructions, that felt hurt in right wrist , that not slept for 2 nights, destroying mobility in fingers, edemas in all hand. 5 days ago by rope damaged right finger of wrist , that not paid attention, that though, oh, not matter, finger pricked, and in 2 days begun inflammation by wounded finger after a wrist, on 5th day edema is all shoulder. At home by neighbour s advices applied raw meat, onion, or honey, clay, aloe, but though in non effectivity cure , and of hurt had insomnia, visited hospital. Diagnosis is Felon of first finger, complicated by Phlegmone a wrist and pre shoulder. And he endured two surgeries with narcosis, entered are big dosages of antibiotics, transfusion blood changers, that saved wrist and patient remove from a hard condition. And in result he lost work ability for half months, and of course these conditions leading to sepsis and dead, thus and words oh, no matter, am prickled finger!
Peoples are not paying attention on such wrists injuries, but on 1/3 of patients are visiting
traumatologists and surgeries at hospital are peoples with these pathologies . Every 1/3 of injury a wrist and fingers complicated by inflammation are loosing work ability of physical labour , and 10 part is having wrist pathology ,thus small scratch retuning to serious hard for health as big economic looses for community. Here are famous Soviet surgeries words reminding , that a not cavity injury or other kinds of serious damages are lie by hard times on state budget, but a small injury, massive for fingers and hands. On the skin on hands also having micro injuries, but if skin is whole, microbes inside not entering , protection are having by epidermis /surface skin layer/, sour environment on the skin surface, which creates a secretion from a sweat and oily glands, but situation changing, if person injury got and skin disease development, blood current in tissues destroyed. And reason for felon are pus inflammation of fingers tissues having of cracks, callus, hangnails rearing. Mechanizers, using petrol for washing put oils, are over drying skin, lowering her protection effects, but crack displaying, thus a risk for abscess in many times increasing. Also on farmers workers also increasing risks, as a time is poor hangnails are tearing and tearing for nail rolls. Wrist abscess inflammation affecting as washing dishes with a high concentrated alkaline solutions, over cooling, over tired hands. And preventing methods are simple, any wound, scratch, hangnail need to manufacture, that all first aid for workers are staying with a ammonia peroxide , iodine infusion, spirit, individual packets, and manicures boxes having an own. At builders for, factories using individual packets of same quantities' glycerine, boric and ammonia spirit, silicone cream or other softening skin remedies, at home these also needing having. Timely and modern curing such diseases as eczema, dermatitis as hope preventing for assess-infection disease for wrists, fingers.
But if displaying feeling for ache, distension, mobility hard in finger, wrist, chill, are talking about ,that felon displayed, recognize his simple, but effectivity curing depending on from a how soon visiting a doctor.
And if hurt having, thus taking and surface tissues, involving in process tendons, joints of wrists and all tissues right away .If infection entered in epidermis ,thus skin felon having /picture 1/, when patient not visiting hospital , infection taking are new bridgehead and disease faster progressing. And displaying under skin /picture 2/, nail close/picture 3/, under nail/picture 4/, tendons/picture 5/, bone /picture/6/, going /7/felon, and pandactylitis /8/ is inflammation all finger, after till complications are about which am shared begin on. Base method for cure fingers abscess and wrists are surgery, but opening abscess in not curing that complications avoiding and his suffers and surgeries work will not vain for faster restoring function damages hand ,thus patient needing right using doctor s advices and after surgery. And avoiding minds for self curing, its very expensive costs for patient and for state.
Am Share my story, but, you must read and ask in doctor.
One day on Easter am felt strong hurt in corner top right in my finger nail ,that too felt insomnia, used all anti-inflammatory remedies, checked corner not nail piece, hangnail, thus after this very stinky ointment helped me, we are at home her keeping as in any injury, scratches, abscess . Calling her birch tar , am applied bandage with her used stick with cotton and greased corner for night, on the morning felt better, am next night slept awesome, pus removed all.
Thus keep this ointment always at home and shampoo, soap.
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