Training will be a benefit if you will train every day, all learned complex having 15 min, not forget about a breath, slowly, not forcing learn paradox breath, on breath in belly pulling in, on breathe out is sticks out.An every exercise is continuation of last, thus transfer from one mobility to other is need to be a not intermittent .
1. Stabilization for breath.
Stand up, straight, legs are on the widen for shoulders ,feet are parallelly for each other, free hands down for body along with palms inside, relax, look before itself.
A. Breathing in wavily, rise pulled out hands to the front till a level slightly higher shoulders. In rising time are hands of wrists and pre shoulders staying on the one line, palms directed down, relaxed fingers, all moves are doing on 3 min.
B. Keeping corpus a straight, bend legs in knees, that knees staying on the same line vertical with a big legs fingers, that move reminding a not deep squat, thus in a future for comfortable we are calling his quarter squat. Check that a breast, head are not shifting to the front, an transfer in quarter squat beginning on the moment, when hands leading for shoulders level. At the same time with bending knees, hands wavily lowering down.In lowering hands of wrists and fingers are relaxed, move down is wave and gracefully , that in your hand is weightless swimming ball, which you are entering in water. Lowering hands ending by a short touching are wrists to the knees. Moving down is 3 sec, after straightening legs, transfer in initial position.
An exercise , or cycle, containing from moves A,B doing are 6 times, continuation every cycle are 7 sec/picture 1/.
Attention: Centre of heaviness finding in the middle a line connecting centres of feet . Straight spine, keeping on the move's time.
Breath in doing on moving up, breathe out on down, attention are on the wrists! Therapeutic effect are wave moves body up and down affecting on fighting imbalance in spreading blood current, energy flow in organism, that leading by China s specialists a recovering effect of exercise. As very, he is benefit for patients with hypertension, heart diseases, liver.
2. Widening for breast cell. As from a position quarter squat wave straightening knees at the same time rising hands till shoulders level and turning palms with to each other, after on breathe in separate hands in sides, turning palms up. Breathe out reduce hands before itself to each other, low hands, turning theirs with palms down and an at the same time transfer in position to quarter squat . That exercise doing,like exercise , but on the back order. Touch with wrists are knees and straighten legs.Full cycle /from the one touching are knees till other/ having ten min , repeat exercise for 6 times/picture 2/. Attention! In this exercise breathe in beginning on the moment for wrists breakaway from the knees and keeping till hand staying straightening in sides.After this breathe out, which keeping till next wrists touching for knees. Attention keeping on the breast cell.As in mind you are staying on the hill top, before you are staying not limiting spaces ,for toward of which you are striving as opening breast.
Therapeutic effect. This exercise affecting positivity in heart diseases and lungs, dyspnoea, often heart beating, neurosis.
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