Surgeries on arteries , feeding brain, saving life for many patients.
By Grozovsky, doctor for medical science.
Stroke is hard disease, by WHO IN Europe is not including Russia every year are dead of millions patients. And in our country within a year are 500 00 patients endured stroke, diseases affecting for peoples on 40-60 y, old , that work capacity age, and without mobility, talking with other, is hard disease for you and other. Is destroying for brain circulation, in tissues of brain are different changes in structures happening, thus strokes having haemorrhagic and ishemic. Haemorrhagic strokes are of damaging into brain vessels and haemorrhages in brain, thus here pouring out blood is destroying, pressing surrounding nerve tissue. Ishemic stroke reason is destroying brain feeding, as a part of brain not supply by blood or loosing feeding, as in embolia happening of blood vessels, if blood supply not restoring, thus nerve tissue on this part is dead and softening. Ishemic strokes are often happening on 5 times, than a haemorrhagic ,but we share about these groups as a most numerous groups of destroying brain blood circulation. Feeding for brain giving by blood, that entering by vessels, beginning from main artery is aorta and symmetrically entering in scull by two sleep arteries to the front, and two by vertebraes behind. After vessels are branching, narrowing theirs on any part leading to decreasing quantities for flowing by a vessel a blood, to failure for feeding nerve tissue or to her ishemia. Reason for narrowing vessels are atherosclerotic plaques,as local, separating plaques or extending. In traditional therapeutic method for preventing and curing stroke for patient prescribing pills or injections, are improving brain feeding, but remedies fighting atherosclerosis for vessels are not having, thus conservative cure is pulling off attack of disease, and not preventing his. Surgeries using radical method for restoring normal brain blood supply. They are removing plaques, or changing damages part of vessel with prosthesis, as of segment artificial vessel of synthetic fabric or taking in patient an own part of healthy vessel. As peoples are not same,as a not same vessels, thus as which help will do by doctor, he must an own to know, and goal is to give benefit, giving less minimal injury. Injuring less surgery is cleaning vessel from plaques, or thrombus, if plaques are much, or they are closed staying to aorta, and lots of reasons needing prosthesis .For example sleep artery stayed occluded, thus part of prosthesis sewing in aorta, other in artery, higher for region of damage, and blood current in vessel is a full restoring. A few years ago we are used new kind for surgery as called switching, thus if in patient having a one good magistral artery feeding for brain, thus in her we can sew in any other. Damaged part of artery , feeding for brain is cutting, and following for him is cleaned part, attaching to healthy tissue. And its doing in neck region, where doing switching, all brain arteries finding closed to each other, and nothing affecting for theirs matching transferring in soft tissues, such switching surgeries affecting on non using prosthesis, when we are used earlier. A last year we are manufactured still type for surgery, in which is future having as in patient with a full occlusion of vertebra arteries, transferring inside a bone canal for neck regions vertebras. And earlier are damages vertebra arteries surgeries on a free from vertebra beginning part, we are today surgery doing with a full occlusion for brain artery in bone canal, as creating straight blood current from a sleep artery in vertebra before entering of last in scull inside. An effectivity for surgery restoring a normal blood supply of brain is high. Within 5 years for checked at Institute for cardiovascular surgery by Bakuleva on a base a clinical picture nr 15, Moscow is put , that in 80 percents patients after surgery are strokes not happened and visible destroys for brain blood circulation. And for this year on 75 perc. By analogically contingent patients, those used conservative cure are stroke happened.
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