Classes conducting by medical sister at Moscow town clinical hospital Nr. 15 by Shelokova.
That procedure dong for removing from a low bowel region are feces masses and gases in hard stool and for ready to roentgenologic researches a stomach, bowel, or kidneys before prescribing by doctor s healing enema. For putting cleaning enema use cup s Esmarch , which is glass and most often rubber reservoirs with rubber tube on 1.5 cm a length, diameter on 1 cm and tips , with crane on an ending you can to regulater entering liquid in bowel. On three free ends of tube wear glass,ebony or plasmas tips on length 8-10 cm, and this tips staying smooth, even edges, not use broken, or cracked. Lie on the bed, close to edge of bed on left side, tighting bending legs in the knees are legs to the belly, hard patients leaving lie on a spine, bending in knees legs are separated in sides. Under buttocks put film, free her edge put in basin or bucket, if patient avoiding moving, under buttocks put lining bedpan. In a cup add 1-1.5 l. of water, on 27C warmer slightly for room, water thermometer use for checking temperature. And to check air in tube, rise cup and tips put down and remove in basin a water little bit with air, after this not lowering cup close crane on rubber tube. Grease tips with Vaseline or any cream, and enter by light, turning moves in anal , if patient on the hard condition, he can to do self. First are 3-4 cm of tips entering for direction to navel, after still 5-8 cm parallelly for coccyx , AVOID entering tips with force,that is wounding walls of anal duct, better cup of not hold , better is hanging on 1 metre in height over patient , open crane ad water under pressure will enter in anal duct. If water stopped flowing ,thus means tips attached in wall of duct, his need slightly to move, or sometimes blockage with feces masses, thus tips remove, clean, enter again, but if feces are hard, thus put enema is not ability, thus feces removing by finger, wearing gloves, greased with Vaseline. And importance to check for speed entering water in bowel, regulating her by height, on which you are holding a cup. A fast entering water will cause ache, strong defecation , thus cup let down, thus leaving on cup bottom a little bit water, that in bowel not entering air, close crane on the end of rubber tube and remove tips. And a best,that patient hold water within 5-10 min. And for this he must lie on the spine and deeply breath. Entered in bowel water not always leading enough to his emptying, thus for increasing enema effect add half of tea.sp. in water grinded till powder soap s baby or 2/3 tea.sp. of salt cooking or glass of infusion chamomile. But its doing with doctor s allowing, so as and emulsion enema, which cook of 400 ml. or 2 glasses of infusion chamomile, adding yolk of egg, tea.sp. of hydrocarbon natrium and 2 tbl.sp. vaseline oil or glycerine. In persistent hard stool helping are oily enemas, as for one enema are enough 50-100 ml. of any slightly warmed vegetable oil, or Vaseline oil. As her entering with rubber balloon or pear, spreading oil on bowel, covering feces ,relaxing bowel muscle and affecting on secreting feces . After entered oil patient 15 min to lie. And in 1 procedure, just if of oil, water are having contraindications, these are acute inflammatory in anal duct , bleeding haemorrhoid, stomach, bowel bleeding, etc , thus before to do enemas cleaning as in persistent hard stool, ask in doctor about it, that do they not damage me?
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