Less eating sugar, honey, jam, candies, flour dishes are rich by easy absorbing carbohydrates , constant overeating exchausting insuline apparatus!
Sugar diabetes belong to diseases numbers,which often development in adult, than in young. Its describing by ageing changing as a so calling island apparatus of pancrease apparatus,where forming insulin is base hormonal regulator for carbohydrate metabolism.With age are accumulation of an especially cells in pancrease glands are islands Langerhans are undergo atrophic and sclerotic changes, and not enough producing insulin .Glucose entering with food is a not full absorbing and with urine removing from organism. and here destroying metabolism for carbohydrates, but proteins, fats, mineral salts.Protein synthesis in organism lowering, and split theirs increasing.
Insulin failure delaying sugar transferring in glycogen and combustion his in tissues, thus for organism for energy material using fat. Thus in diabetes happening a high fatty acids output of fatty depo and intensive theirs breakdown, that lead to accumulation in blood and tissues are cetone bodies-acetone, acetoacetic , and B -oxybutiric acids.A rising quantities for cetone bodies n blood causing poisoning organism and all CNS ,that leading to diabetes coma is hard condition in this disease. Metabolism wrong affecting on organism in common. In diabetes is fast lowering stability to harmful factors, as in diabetes are hard and long displaying different diseases. Clinists are saw, in obesity A DIABETES having often ,than in thin, that is describing of constant overating leading to preliminary exchausting insulin apparatus, and diseases displaying in peoples,who are predispositioned him , also predisposition transferring genetically, specialists by as often diabetes finding,who on adults by geneticaly had this disease. Predispositioned to dabetes you must attention staying, as diabetes displaying hide on adults. A base attention paying on often thirst, when in blood much sugar, in organism one way to fight from abundant is remove with urine. Secreting abundant liquid from organism causing dehydration tissues and i person having thist strong, he can to drink 8-10 l. of liquid/day , but not a 1.5-2 l by healthy person drinking. And faster tired, dryness mouth in, itching skin, that if they are not visibble ,you must visit a doctor, when timely cure begun,is ability to delay disease, prevent complication.In light form a disease with diet you can to normalize carbohydrate metabolism, but an importance to build right. With normal weight and height for womens prescribing diet with 2000-2500 kkal, for males are 2500-3000 kkal, in obesity low calorie diet 1500-1700 kkal /day. And everyday human getting right quantities for carbohydrates , proteins, fats as on daily ration are 60 perc. with carbohydrates, 16 are proteins, 24 are fats, thus in diet for 2500 kkal in organism must to enter 374 gr of carbohydrates, 100 gr of proteins, 70 gr of fats. In low calorie diet are 200 gr of of carbohydrates, 100 gr of proteins, 40-50 gr of fats, but attention! in creating diet all calculations leading by weight are raw products.A menu you can diversify by an own tastr, but quantities for proteins, fats, carbohydrates are keeping not changing.
What are most prescribing?Milk, milk food, curd in everyday menu is needing. Recommending vegetable soups, vegetables quantities, but not are potatos, carrot, beet , are not limiting, very benefit are apples, oranes, mandarines, watermelons, grapefruits. Melons, grape, persimmon, figs are less eating, they are carbohydrate. Third parts from an all fats eaten are containing different oils as corn, sunflower, olive. Bread better special diabetic, with enough brans, less carbohydrates,than in simple bread. Sugar, sweet, flour, pastry food are adding if doctor allowing, but less, best sugar changers are stevia, xylitor, sorbitol on 30-40 gr/day is enough for xylitor or stevia.
Metabolism enough support is importance not just to eat right meal mass, but doing it on certain hours, and for you eating inevery 3 hours, long pauses are worsening condition. A good for metabolism processes affecting a moderate physical loading, as on muscle work happening a high oxidation for glucose in muscle tissue, and containing sugar in blood decreasing, hus physical culture for you is a most effective and needing healing methods in diabetes. Adult, in a cardiovascular sysyem suffering, obesity, doctor by selecting for you a complex for healing exercises. Avoiding are big and long physical loadings, but everyday walks on fresh air, close tourism, badmington playing are very benefit.
Rest active!Rational moving regime activating activity for endocrine organs and pancrease gland.
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