Nikolay wrote to us, that 2 years ago therapeutist put diagnosis is atherosclerosis for vessels of low extremities, but neurologist shared later is Raynaud syndrome, about atherosclerosis I know , but what is Raynaud ? And this letter we are sent to correspondent Uljanova ,that she asked in doctor, professor Kadikov.
Disease Raynaud is angiopathic disease,where is periodically in result of vessels' spasms is whitening having, numbness of fingers extremities and aches in theirs. Right reasons for disease are not studied , but predispositions here affecting as genetical . Disease displays of attacks with three stages.
First are fingers of extremities are hands are pale, cold feeling, here are vessels of spasms having and blood entering delaying, and pale having are ends of nose, ears.
Second stage as of blood current wrong is hurt, pale changes on cyanosis, swelling, but on the third stage spasms are stopping, fingers are pale, ache calms.
All attack is ending, and his time from a few min till half hours.
1. Author by letter shares, that about syndrome Raynaud , and you are shares about disease Raynaud ,what are differences? This is academic understanding and syndrome, disease displaying are same, as by same attacks, symmetrical damaging extremities .And difference in syndrome as from self diseases is symptom of an other diseases, are these systemic scleroderma, systemic red lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, endartheritis, migraine, a such calling professional vibration disease, which having in person, working with hammer or drill. And here in fighting with syndrome you must begin to cure base diseases as an atherosclerosis for vessels of low extremities, which a having in author s letter.
And about disease Raynaud ,that he is a not risk for life, not having gangrene,than in endartheritis, which leading to this hard complication.Here attack displaying without visible reasons, but very often leading are over cooling, emotional loads, and here am share a few facts, which you must to know.
Disease meeting in womens, that affecting of theirs high emotional background As disease Raynaud staying in middle latitudes, less in hot climate, rare on North, but by logic just here disease is must to be very actual,if to remember, that affecting on disease is over cooling.That Northern livers knowing character for local climate are wearing by weather, and organism adapted to these conditions.
By stats this disease having in 17-25 percent livers, but stats are increasing, attacks also, diseases displaying peoples are never informed, that though about fingers freezing of frosts, cold, stress of, fear. And everybody can endure same.
2. A how is cure here?
Special remedies here are not having, diseases having with destroying functions for vegetative nerve system, prescribing blockages for calcium canals, as Nifedipine, or analogises are Cordipin, Cordaflex.
These remedies lowering spasms for periphery vessels, increasing blood current, but they are lowering pressure, if you are using hypotensive remedies are must low theirs dose and good to control for pressure.
If displaying for disease are often, just on an everyday,thus use remedy on the attack begin,that to low attack intensively, take pill under tongue for rise effect, if remedy not having, use bath for hands or legs warm of.
Strengthening vegetative centres for nerve system use vitamins groups B as milgamma one dragée for 3 times/day.
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