Doctor Naumov is author for many methods to cure a gastrointestinal, blood, lymph, recovering joint, heart, vessels, and other organs. And today by a request Zoz correspondent Andrusenko he decided to talk with readers on a frank themes.
1.About a female s problems is about pathologic climax is a speech now. And on pages from zoz you are shared this, but we are asking you , that as authors for original methods on a base right meal. Where are readers having complaints on sweating, hot, neurosis, osteoporosis, joints aches, but does it true, that they are connected in climax?
Yes, if in organism in women's estrogen quantities lowering/female sex organs/, thus in a few time osteoporosis displaying. And health for males supporting androgens are male sex hormones, that theirs failure leading to pathologic fractures, as lowering elastic for cartilage tissue, calcination- calcium washing out from bones, forming salts, these forming depositing in cartilages and destroying theirs.
2. And how to do this?
A good dissolving salts of calcium is carbon acid, thus need to drink a strong gas water, which in her is enough is on 0.5 glass for 3 times/day before meal, or in hour after.And on summer a daily dose of gas lead till 1-1. 5l, and here is about a drinking water or by weak mineralization with salts containing on 1 gr/l, but not with sweets, sugars, as lemonade, cola.
3. A course for a month is enough.
No, constantly doing, slowly doing till healing effect feeling, and after for rising estrogen you need to drink coniferous kvas.
And here use 3 l. of jar and fill in with young shoots of fir, twigs cutting on 5-7 cm, add till top in jar water, which is not chloride , or with milk whey, in every 3 days add sugar one tbl.sp, for 14 days, on 8 day add one tea.sp. non iodine salt, and on tea.sp. of 9 perc. Vinegar /if you are infusing in whey milk, not add vinegar.
If on 7 th day is not fermenting process leading to ,thus add one tea,sp home not pasteurized fromage, in two weeks kvas is filtering through gauze, as in bottles. Cool in place to keep, or in refrigerator. Use 1/3 glass for 3 times/day before meal, by one month course.
1/2 tbl.sp. of herb oregano infuse in 0.5 l. of balsam Bolotov s for 3-4 days , and use one tea.sp. on 100 ml. of water for 3 times/day is on the meal time for 2-3 weeks. Recipe for Bolotov s balsam shared in my books, as Libray of zoz.
You can cook kvas of oregano.
1 glass of chopped herb in 3 l. of water, by data method before, and use 0.5 glass for 3 times/day in hour after meal, by month course.
And am to say,that humulus lupulus having phytoestrogens, thus women's , not are males benefit to drink a vital beer as one glass /day for 2-3 times/week, and a best with herring from barrel on 50-70 gr, which improves lymph structure.
A good calming cns, that importance for balancing hormones is red dry wine, his drink on 100 ml. for 3 times/day , or for dinner.
Use vitamin E of capsules on 200 ml/dsy for month.
4. And if my joints hurt.
And for decreasing joints aches, improving condition for cartilages use glass of chopped herb of wild rosemary in 0.5 l. 9 perc.of vinegar for 2-3 days, and rub joints this tincture as diluting before with warm water as one to 2 for 2 times/day for 2-3 weeks. And with this goal, regular eat pork jellied meat with mustard.
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