Run a normal person.100 metres, 200, 400, kilometre. And he is suddenly feeling on half kilometres' heaviness in the legs, fatigue, he wants to fall, and to dead. But he keeps running, thus is calling adaptive reaction, thus vessels in organism habit to this long run, opening a second breath. Sportsman not stop violence vessels, and on the end leading adaptation.It's a normal, its adaptation -habit. Habits is time, time to habit are 2,3,4 days, sometimes are 10-12 , in depending on from neglected condition.Thus if in person raised pressure in the evening, dyspnoea displayed its sign for restoring organism , as after daily physical loading, but rising a top/systolic pressure. Its for beginners is norm, but for exercises doing is faster human forgetting about a bad condition.We are seen , that women left in a good condition, but on evening condition worsened. A how?As has been a good. But a stayed bad, and she is confusing and running to the doctor. And he is wondered, that hands waving: you are crazy , you must to lie. In women hurt spine, and she cannot to lie, that visited a doctor. And withdrawn circle displaying, as to open a must with one method as to keep training with a breath control, drink regime, as after every training a gulp of water.
Other example: we are visiting frost, that on a beginning is good, a warm, but after suddenly ears rolled, cheeks and if you will not rub theirs ,thus lead to injury , and keep walk on frost, thus in a few min you will feel hot in ears, cheeks, its blood current covered for ears warming and cheeks, all are normalized.
Andinyour case a same, you are not worked with muscles for many years, and suddenly begun, organism need to habit to this, if you are regularity to do exercises, its a base rule, thus you will habit and stop to show sicked reactions.Keep these trainings, but you must to say for doctor or trainer about an own condition,that to correct right your program.
And still, that what you must to do by order,if pressure raised?
If its at home happened am advising take cold bath for 5 sec, that bath improving blood current and fight load from the heart, its a terrible on begin, but its without pills, if to take again pills, thus a vicious circle restoring.You are ready to recover, but not to adapt organism to disease, to manipulate for remedies. That theirs are less, are better. What is still? And you can do exercise raw , as squats for keeping for not mobility support, push-ups from a table on breathe out.
5 times on series as five on five:25 squats, 25 push-ups by a possible. And doing exercises till sweating, when you are sweating, thus in work result, thus all are restoring.
These recommendations are not harmful you, not hide for pill, trust for organism, learn to understand his reactions, but am will be at close,that to tell, advice, you need to know it..
By Bubnovsky,M.D, professor.
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