As with age these problems are having, but everybody from us a having possible to fill or not fill are loaded muscles. And how we are shared before, that these two methods are fighting these fillings.And if you are using after a physical loads are static stretching s as in ballet, and on any age he keeping a full sizes of moves and energy is enough. As age displaying behind we are knew, and about a how to correct body on any age am shared, but in front we can to see a adult person,as skin is dry,weak, wrinkles.Cosmetologists sharing,that skin is dry as not not loading itself with evidences , but yes,skin is dry and trying curing a water failure with hyaluronic acid in inter cellular space,as creating artificial edemas and this is not decide problem , but and worsen her.
Why are these external signs of aging displaying? And its simple, cells of tissues of our organism are not getting feeding as a not insufficient quantity, and peoples are not starving and a most often weight is high, why cells are not feeding? As when we are eaten, eating meal is manufactured and digested in gastrointestinal,as absorbed in blood,spreading with current in all body, and after a not clear method from a blood transfers in inter cellular space,and after in cells. And in meal molecules are not having a clear remedies for moving,and in blood vessels are not having tables directions as for road, but every organ gets substances are very needing and not exclusion.
Very interesting. And how these are happening? As in chemistry book, bio chemistry are nothing found and on a true this mechanism tied is on a same gradient as a different for drop for Ph, about a which we are shared.
As in biologic environments are a few ways for mobility molecules having , but base are three as elector magnet every molecule is dipole, osmosis are salts concentration and Ph gradient.
And by a elector magnet way a ability to describe a move in two directions as back and front, or pole are two. As with osmosis are moving water molecules and we are talking about a nourishing substances molecules .But by gradient Ph transporting all molecules and here is tricky thing displaying,as a molecule of substance from a blood enter in cell, for her need a overcome are few steps with pH drops. And all molecules moves is always going from a most sour environment to the most alkaline and not back. And without a difference for pH molecules moving from a one environment in other side is not having.
And our meal having a sour remain as in result of our meal we are slowly acidifying our inside environment.And one days a situation display, when nourishing substances are hover in gap environments and not lead to cells because of which are not differences having between a environments acidity. And molecules stopping moving, cells are hungry , and just a hover these substances is a reason for aging obesity. As they are delaying on itself are molecules of water,that leading to an often tissues edema.As an earth attaching having,that deposits these substances is beginning from legs and feets,and after rising higher and higher... And outside are displaying with edemas, dry skin, cellulite and small violet net of capillary .But destroyed a feeding on all body, but outside displays beginning from legs. And for remove these destroys, restoring right gradient pH of our inside environment a need to change balance for pH are eaten of meal, as for ration adding more alkaline ,and not a sour meal.As carbohydrates, and proteins of sweets,cereals , baked pastry, meat are expanding in our organism with a sour environment and vegetables, green, bitter meal are expanding with a forming alkaline. But greens, vegetables, bitter meal in our everyday ration is must to be a more,thus acidifying process is slowly goes in back side.But this is a slowly process and going a few years.And faster restoring pH is not possible.Thus a study for an other peoples advance,about a right eating as against acidyfication.And preventing doing is easy,than after a try to restore organism.
And these ways are realizing aging in our body and that on any age keeping young, thus try to help for an own body and work a complete.
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