Sugar add in berries, mix, infuse for ten min, cool, serve in vases.
Glass of berries are 2 tbl.sp. of sugar.
Stone berry with honey.
Add honey in berries, mix, infuse ten min, serve same.
glass of berries are 2 tbl.sp. of honey.
Stone berry with milk.
Add sugar in milk, berries, serve in glasses.
glass of milk are 2 tbl.sp. berries, tea.sp. of sugar.
Stone berry kisel.
Rub berries in dish,dilute starch in glass of water, and chopped mass boil in water for 5 minutes, filter, lead infusion till boiling ,add diluted starch, sugar, lead again till boiling.
Glass of berries are 100 gr of of sugar, 40 gr of potato starch, one l. of water.
Stone berry compote.
Ready berries add in sugar syrup on 50 perc, lead till boiling ,add in scaled jars and cool into to put without additional pasteurization.
one kg of berries are 500 gr of sugar, 2 glasses of water.
Stone berry compote with appples.
Wash berries, clean, clean apples, chop, dilute sugar in water, lead till boiling and a boiling syrup add berries in and apples.Infuse 3 hours ,again lead till boiling and add in ready half. l. of jars,and for a long keping pasteurize in boiling water for 15 min.
One kg of berries are 2 kg of apples, 500 gr of sugar, one l. of water.
Stone berry juice.
Washed berries add in boiling water, cool, rub through sieve. As hard mass to press,add sugar, as 500 gr for one l. of juice, lead till boiling,add in bottles and keep in cool place.
2 kg of berries is one l. of water, 500 gr of sugar.
Stone berry syrup.
In berry juice add sugar, lead till boiling, cool, add in clean bottles. As for keeping close with corks, keep on cold.
one l. of juice is one kg of sugar.
Stone berry jam.
Ready berries add in hot 65 perc. sugar surup, infuse 4 hours, after surup is to detach, cook till a need thick, add in berries,cook on weak fire till ready.
one kg of berries is 1.2 kg of sugar, 2 glasses of water.
Stone berry water.
Ready berries add in cold boiled water, infuse day, filter, add honey ,cold,serve. For a keeping such water add in bottles, close with corks, cool into keep, serve as dessrt to the events.
Stone berry kvas.
Chop berries,add water and boil 5 min, filter,add sugar, mix,cold,add yeasts and put for fermenting for 2 days.
4 glasses of berries is glass of juice, ten gr of yeasts, 3 l. of water.
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