Scald berries, rub through sieve, add 2 tbl.sp. of sugar for one kg of berries, mix, and use for pies fillings.
Vatrushki /cheesecakes with a cloudberry.
Cook same berries,like before.
Cloudberry syrup.
One kg of selected berries add in one kg of sugar, add one l. of water, cook for 20 min, syrup to drain and use for a cooking kisel, marmalade, mousse.
Cloudberry with honey.
Ripe berries add in honey, infuse 12 hours, add in vases and serve to tea.
Kisel of cloudberry.
As for kisel cooking berries are to choop, boil, filter through sieve, lead juice till boiling,add sugar,starch, as on an usual norms.
Cloudberry jelly.
Chop berries,add glass of water, boil 3 min, filter, add sugar and wetting for ten min a gelatin, lead till boiling,add in forms and cold. Before use forms put in warm water for minutes and put jelly on the plate.
100 gr of berries are 30 gr of sugar, 6 gr of gelatin.
Cloudberry compote.
Selected berries add in warm 50 perc. sugar syrup, and infuse for 4 hours. After to drain syrup, boil 7 min, and hot put in jars with berries.
Or other method cooking as not adding syrup.As here selected berries add in boiled half l. of jars, add sugar as 100 gr for jar, infuse in cool place for 4 hours, add hot water, close lids and pasteurize in boiling water for 15 min.
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