Young male has been sicked,that trivial happened, red throat, cold, temperature. Tearing eyes and hurt to look in window on the sun and reflecting on the snow.But, long time not lowered temperature, and patient felt, like in eye entered speck . And to ophthalmologist he visited, when eye is red displayed and not opened. But process very far goner, that surgery saved vision. Surgery is cornea transplantation. Its typical case for this virus diseases,as herpetic keratitis, when patient , or his relatives are sure ,that fear light, feeling foreign body in eye, are still one flue displaying, or complication his, which not specially cure need, that self removes, when you are recovered. But its myth, ig not a timely visit for doctor, disease will to progress, thus virus from cornea spreading on other tissues of eyeball. And patients with hard forms of herpetic keratitis hospitalizing and theirs condition checking a doctor. And recommendations by specialists are needing using right and after stacinonarum use every injection, and drip in eyes drops, if not to do it, for future will are hard complications stay. Virus of herpes damage cornea membrane and her epithelium , with displaying small bubbles, filled with serous liquid, they are faster spading , merge , and on theirs place forming ulcers, which causing cornea darkness and forming cataract. By stats, a herpetic keratitis is a first place between eyes disease, complicating by leukoma forming and leading to vision lost. And not rare adding second bacterial infection, thus virus is not just add sentence, but lead in his realizing for bacterias. And abscess process beginning, very string, that eye will remove. Thus, when a hurt watch on light, eye is tearing, hurt, red, that a feeling foreign body in eye, thus visit ophthalmologist! And from an all inflammatory diseases of eyes, herpetic keratitis meeting often, and transferring infection by air-dropsy way , contact, herpes virus entering one time on childhood in organism keeping all life in your organism, and after affecting high temperature, over cooling, or lowering immunity he's activating and give to know about oneself with rashes herpes on lips, as fever, cornea of eye also attracts to itself by herpes virus. And here is summary, that to low probably a development this diseases you must improve immunity, as to harden,right timely cure caries, sinuses, tonsils are affecting on immunity lowering.
And, virus transferring and through home items as hygiene , that needing using an own ,that if you are sicked, use an own towel, not pit for common , that this towel can enter infection in eyes for other. And transferred for virus staying mascara for lashes and shadows,other make up, as affecting for dangerously. And, actors, actress affecting too, apply make up by foreign sponges, mascaras, and if is use carried by virus, thus you are in risk for infecting .All cosmetic items are needing individual, not use a foreign, and not share too an own!
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