By Buharkin, candidate for medical science.
Principally are new methods for diagnosis as x-ray and ultrasound computer tomography, MRT are possible to find in blood markers for cancer signs , are allowed in the last ten years to re check many traditional approaches to an early finding oncourological diseases. And synthesis for new chemistry -therapeutic preparations, manufacturing and entering in width clinical practise are modern combines and complex methods for cure are opened new perspectives in fight with cancer forms.
And these are effectivity, when you are timely visiting for medical help, that unfortunately peoples are not timely visiting, and not informed about an oncourological diseases, or using self-curing, or visiting charlatans , oracles , but delaying or long right help delay leading to hard results. Remember , cancer stopped long time a not healed diseases, and guaranty for success ,just in timely beginning qualified help.
Here are symptoms ,which you must to take attend.
Urine in blood or hematuria, that directs on kidneys tumors, kidney quacked, urinary ducts, prostate, urination canal. A visible by eye is urine blood as macrohematuria , or defining by laboratory, as in many cases here are blood clots secreting, as not formed clots characterized for damage urinary bladder, but ,like worms forms for kidneys or top urinary ways, and alert on hematuria as a long time keeping, and just one time stayed.
Urination wrong is dysuria, as frequently urination, hard, hurt, is in prostatitis having and urinary bladder, rare in urethra tumors, sometimes dysuria having with hematiria by different intensively, and lead to acute urine delay.
And doctor visiting to allowing to are aches .For oncourological diseases characterized waist aches, from one side, as dull, whining, or attacks.And in prostatitis having aches in crotch, waist, sacrum , over pubis.
To specific symptoms for different tumours of kidneys are palpating forming in hypochondrium ,are on 5-11 percents cases a patient finding her, or doctor finding in checking visiting.
Increasing and hardening egg. Is a first main tumor for crotch, with ache in egg or groin, and long not healed ulcers or hard villous tumor forms on inside leaf of edge flesh or head of penis, thus faster visit a doctor. As by our spreading knowledges are having possibles theirs prevents, that a straight tie having a tumour with bad habits as smoking addicted, alcohol, sex contacts not protected, weak life mode. As a most often tumors having in long inflamed background , thus timely cure chronic cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis are preventing and tumors.
As from famous reasons forming tumor of egg is cryptorchidism , inborn non-pubescent eggs in scrotum , as of destroying temperature regime here m hardening venous outflow, injuring constantly by walls of groin canal, or loops of thick bowel is delaying forming for seminal canals, and differentiation theirs cell elements, and displaying different dystrophic processes, where of these displaying tumors for not pubescence egg. And its meeting on 17-65 times in normal organ. Thus, a timely and right correction for cryptorchidism is an importance preventing method. And by last researches done in urologic region, that a surgery for reduction an egg is doing till 6 y.old,as in growing measure, but increasing risk for degeneration egg. And in suffered for tumors a penis on 60-80 perc .cases having inborn narrowness for edge flesh is phimosis. Localizations for tumors is on the head and inside leaf of edge flesh, is a frequency high phimosis in these patients category allowed predispositioned done, that these patients category provoked role in tumor display plays stagnation is a not washing out smegma is contained for preputial bag. As this is predisposition for many times approved by experimental dates .A simple hygienic procedure as everyday washing head of penis with soap and water are effective remedy for preventing cancer for penis. In narrowing edge flesh are not allowing exposing head of head penis , doctors are usually doing circulatory cutting edge flesh. And on an ending am adding, that data symptoms meeting not in tumors, but in many urologic diseases/urinary stones, adenoma prostate , pyelonephritis and etc. On any case in these displays are needing doctor visiting, timely diagnosis affecting for success curing.
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