Rabies is an acute virus disease of animals, and human. Virus agent keeping in nature between wild animals by dog s family, wolves, foxes, jackal, raccoon s dogs. Since infected time till disease display, as hide period, transfers are from 2 weeks till 2–3 months. For this time a virus entering from a bite place on nerve tissue and stems in animal s head brain. Spreading in brain, virus secreting with saliva, but you are keeping infected for 8-10 and 14 days till displaying infection in animal of rabies signs. Dog for a first day of disease is not playful, trying to hide from peoples, in dark place staying, as after beginning a process for exciting, that by mouth catching air, and loudly without reason barks. And not eating, eating not eatable items, as stones, wood, rubbish, an own stool. As on exciting time he attacks on you or peoples, home animals and predators animals , and these are keeping for 3-4 days and ending for paralyses stage, and dead on 6-10 day since rabies displaying.
In cats, first sign is same exciting suddenly, as he is very angry, that cat eats small kitties, attacks on other animals, and bites a face. And they are dead faster, than dogs on 2-4 day since first signs.
Rabies wolves are biting on wild, home animals, and on the humans.
Foxes are very dangerous between us, as not often showing aggression, as very tender, visiting yards, territory behind a house, and easy eating from hands, a try to adopt her, you are in risk and tragedy leading.
Rabies is not healing, but ability to prevent, and if a sicked animal bitten you. On 1885 by famous France scientist Paster has been manufactured and used vaccination against rabies, if for human enter her a few times, after bitten animal, that made of weak virus vaccination, thus manufacturing immunity as not perceive to rabies. And sometimes in indications with vaccinations, entering anti rabies gamma-globulin is remedy with antibodies against rabies virus. And guarantied here that protect works in timely use of these preparations and using regime by doctors in vaccinated time. If bitten, scratched you, or by saliva touched dog with rabies, as stray , which is not checked, thus doctor a full course of injections prescribes, and you are not ability self prescribing these vaccinations, thus you are risking in life. And if bitten animal you, and checked by veterinary community, but damages are dangerous of localizations on hands fingers ends, head, thus right away prescribing injections. And by laws, a dog s master need to keep closed on chain dog for ten days, or in isolated place and on right days visit veterinary after. If master not done it, thus he pays fine or his dog taking for shelter. And when veterinary checked dog, not found rabies, thus injections not adding, but master s need to have dog s passport for vaccinations. But if master offered passport , that a date added for injection against rabies, but bitten a dog to a human ,that a human teased dog, doctor not prescribes for suffered injections. Thus, animals not injected, as stray are risks for human ,for rabies spreading, thus before to take at home a dog, think about that you and your family ability to this loading doing. As after, if not, you are not avoiding dog as throw out, like a toy. And you are taking dog, with creating passport, chip adding too, and all procedures keeping. As in other towns visiting by any transport, just allowing by veterinary certificate about a rabies injection done as done is a not later for 12 months and not early for 30 days till this. As dogs, cats never walking alone needing, as without vaccinations, and babies puppies walking till 3 months, separately special places in, as closed site.
By Knop, candidate for medical science.
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