On the grass close to school, are competitions planned by two teenagers, as is fighting, he is raised his by bot hands, and welcome acute ache in waist. Misha is called him, not said for parents and later hurt stopped. A bit after works for training and hard had waist aches, when he's done fast moves, and raised heavy items. So kept for year.And one day, he saw, as friends raised heavy barbell, he tried done same, as again hurt, but stronger ,than before, and not stopped in half hours, and in hour, and day, boy stayed at hospital. Diagnosis is radiculitis, and wondered for parents. And they are sure, that just adults suffering, but specialists within last years find and in children's, as diagnosing in teenagers also as waist osteochondrosis, where is happening degenerative-dystrophic changes for between vertebra disks. They are reason having for root syndrome, calling as radiculitis. To these changes leading are sporty or home injury, high loading on a not formed vertebra . Vertebra is a hard biomechanical system containing from vertebras, connected by vertebra between disks, tensions, muscles. Intensive grow and vertebras development happening from 10 till 24 y.old , but on begin growing vertebras in width, after in height. Forms a vertebras and disks in children's are differencing a big, then in adult changing. Pressure on between vertebra disks are more in waist region .For example, a low waist disk having loading for squeezing, as on 30 kg, in heavy items raising is loading rising is attached outside a force on 5–6 times. And in Misha has been deformed a fifth waist vertebras between disk, and reason a fast rising weight. In childrens root syndrome displaying periodically with dull ache in waist or in waist, leg. As on the morning children feeling stiffness in moving, not staying in one pose longer, as on bending position more. A staying, he's always changing supported leg, not sitting for table, spinning, as searching comfortable pose. On a training lesson such childrens with hard doing a few exercises. A problem here, that our young patients , and theirs parents, are not timely reacts on a first disease display. And teenagers not wishing looking weaker ,than his friends,a hide ache from parents in waist, that is leading to disease getting chronic course and fighting with her is harder. Children's and teenagers for suffering from waist osteochondrosis we are advising using healing exercises for strengthening muscle corset are belly muscles and spine. As benefit are swim, skies walks, but fight, dumbbells, bicycle, jumps are avoids, as and rising weights, overloads physical fast, gusty moves, long staying in one pose , over cooling. Preventing for development radiculitis in children's is ability, as since baby s first ages manufacturing right posture, that is needing for right functioning organs inside and vertebra. A baby not need in soft feather bed, big pillow, is better and have to sleep on not bending mattress , without pillow on the firs life a year, after on a small flat. And not sit children till his ability a activity sitting self, not keep his for long time in hand on half bending pose. When he will go in school buy for him knapsback or briefcase , build his room, that not low incline over table, keep for his pose on the writing time, pre shoulders are lie on the table, slightly incline spine, legs bent in knees under straight corner. A child requiring in regular training, as for complex in a morning hygienic gymnastic, add exercises for muscles, spine, peritoneum press, as trained muscle allowing keeping normal posture as in a long staying in one pose. Under big control are keeping childrens, teenagers as visiting sporty sections . Big by sizes and intensively trained loads leading to displaying waist-sacrum ache syndrome. Avoid for children raise a not by theirs forces weights, as for teachers, parents on 14 years teenagers are rise load on 6 kg, on 15 years boys are 8.2 kg, girls on 6.5 kg, on 16 y.old are 12, and 8 kg, 17 y.old are 16.4, 9 kg. And parents need to know, that ache in waist in children's is caused not just from osteochondrosis, but diseases of inside organs, spine brain, vertebra stem, thus am advice pay attention on his any complaint, and not loosing a time , visit for doctor.
By Ahmadov, candidate for medical science.
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