I hope you are taken attention and remembered , that pills as anti-inflammatory, analgesics etc use just by prescription, and by his checking. But for herb cure if you are interesting , you can to do.For fighting aches, edemas in joints am advice use 10-15 on everyday baths with a infusion chamomile pharmacy of 100 gr fl. in ten l. of water, in bath add 200 l. of salt cooking or add infusion of walnuts leafs as 250 gr of leafs in one l. of water, procedure time on 20-30 min , on 36-40C. Drink also for 3-4 times/day before meal, infusions of mixtures herbs: 10 gr of. fl. sambucus nigra, 40 gr of leafs birch, and 50gr of willow bark.
30 gr of fl. sambucus nigra, leafs of nettle diclinous, roots of petroselinum, bark of willow.
25 gr of leafs nettle, herb of viola tricolor, leafs of birch.
4 tea.sp. of chopped roots couchgrass crawl add in glass of cold water, infuse 12 hours in cool place, filter, and again add glass of hot water. Infuse ten min in warm place, filter, mix both infusions as hot and cold.
Gout nodules are good steam by sage infusion of ten gr. in one l. of water, keep hands or legs in depending on what is hurts for 30-60 min in hot,a how skin endures in hot infusion, after wear woollen socks or gloves.
Relieving hurt compress of burdock ,if a right, that done neighbour in this story, apply not whole leafs, just chop theirs, at home with such compress less move, hard bags, gardening work are self-harm a not cure.
Pound for preventing is costs for a pound for cure said famous surgeries Pirogov, not forget about this ,if feeling ache joint, do not trigger disease, she is not comfortable, that for many years needing for doctors and tons for patience are for patients, that achieve cure.
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