And here is Hamlet s question , and am answer right is no. And dates by, who cured by starving are not healed joints diseases, but limiting here are must be. In acute inflammatory processes decreasing salt cooking using, try to calm own wishes, if you are sugar addicted, carbohydrates affecting for allergization organism, that still increasing pathologic process. More protein food, vitamins, micro-elements, benefit are any vegetables, fruits, dried fruits , fragaria vesca, blueberry, apples, carrot.
Relieving conditions are decoctions and infusions , to cook theirs are easy.
Cut as on pieces 3-5 not cleaned apples, add one l. of the hot water, keep ten min on weak fire , infuse 4 hours, filter, use one glass for 4 times/day as warm.
For blueberry infusion use 2 tea.sp. of berries and add 3 glasses of the hot water, infuse 4 hours, warm place in. Use on one half tea.sp. for 5-6 times/day.
And not forget about vitamin tea of black currant leafs, vaccinium, hibiscus, as mixture use on same parts and cook,like tea.
In gout from ration avoid all products, provoking her, as with purines are liver, kidneys, brain, heart, fat meat, fish, strong meat broths, bean, proteins and fats not rises a gram on 1 gr a body weight/day, in obesity, which burdening disease of joints, use low calorie food. A starving not needing , but reloading for one time/week is need , and variants for reloading days are a few, as vegetable of 1.5 kg on any culinary manufacturing, fruits on 1.5 kg apples or oranges without peel, curd 400 gr of, and half l. of kefir. They are having fewer purines as rations and good affecting on metabolism processes in organism. And liquid getting as usual, norm on 1.5 l. Very benefit juices are fragaria, black currant, blueberry but natural, self coked. A good effect gives infusion of black currant leafs, as chop theirs, use one tbl.sp. and add 2 glasses of the hot water, infuse 6 hours, filter and use for 4 times/day.
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