Today am share about non-specific , not tuberculosis origin , lungs diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia,they are longer displaying with acutings periods, and developing these diseases affecting a not enough lungs training in peoples, which are less mobility, and avoided from needing right breath and good to ventilate lungs. Self massage and exercises improving lymph and blood circulation, lung ventilation, bronchus transferring, mobility for breast cell, tone for breath muscles, expectorating better and phlegm transferring, sucton for residual appearances of inflammation process, rising work capacity in patient. Self-massage and exercises doing on remission time, when body temperature is normal, weakness without, sweating and other displaying in acuting disease.
Self massage.
Sitting position with stroking/in alternation with rubbing/ by palm, or back surface of wrist, by fist for shoulder griddle, spine, neck ,waist belt, and front surface for breast cell. In self masage for spine and shoulder waist moves doing in direction from vertebra to breast, and in massage for front surface of breast cell and under clavicle region -from the breast to shoulder joints and under armpit bottoms/picture 1/.For massage a spine , shoulder blade space use hard towel/picture 2/. After stroking, rubbing and pushing pressing by 2,3,4 t fingers massage hypochondrium spaces from vertebra to breast cell/picture 3. After doing self massage for occiput, back neck surface and shoulder waist in direction from the hair head part to the shoulder joint, alternately with every side, methods for self massage are same/picture 4.
After this in sit position massage front-side surface for vbrast cell in direction from breast to shoulder joint and under armpit bottom/picture 5/. For women's need not use milk gland. Stroking doing, alternating with rubbing by palm and back surface a wrist or by fist, weaking effect over heart region/picture 6/, after easy beating by fingers ends of breast cell/picture 7/. And on ending stroking in alternating with spine rubbing, neck, shoulder waist, and front surface of breast cell, for 2-3 min/picture 8,9/.
Self massage common time are 12-16 min, doing on an everyday or in a day, on the morning better, after 15–20 procedures requiring add rest for 10–15 days. Avoiding self massage doing in acuting disease, lung-heart failure, often stenocardia attacks, lung bleeding, lungs tuberculosis, tumours. If patient good endures massage, and not caused acuting, thus in 2-3 procedures add exercises, and doing theirs for 1 time/day later in 1-1.5 hours after massage.
Approximately exercises complex.
Stay, legs on the shoulder width.
1. Hands low, rise hands, stretch-breathe in, return -breathe out, repeat are 3-4 times.
2. Same, by hands to imitate moves with sticks for walk on skies, initial breath, repeat 7-8 times.
3. Hands on waist, move straight hand in sides-up breathe in, put on waist-breathe out, repeat every hand for 3-4 times.
4. Same position, sit, stretch to the front till shoulder level -breathe out return back -breathe in, repeat are 4-5 times.
5. Hands stretched to the front, separated slightly widely for shoulders, waves by right straight leg to touch fingers body left hand touch fingers of right hand, initial breath, repeat every leg on 2-3 times.
6. Hands on waist, incline body to left rise right hand-breathe out, return in initial position-breathe in, repeat in every side on 2-3 times.
Take gymnastic stick.
7. Stay, hands with stick raised over head, incline to the right-breathe out, return back-breathe in, repeat on 2-3 times in every side.
8. Stay, hands with stick before breast, bent in elbows, fast turn to right, after to left, initial breath, repeat on 3–4 times in every side.
9. Stay, hands with stick down behind spine, bend hands in elbows, touch by stick a shoulder blades -breathe in, return -breathe out. Repeat 4-5 times.
Sit on chair.
11. Lean back on chair s spine, deeply, calm, doing 405 breathe in and out.
12. Same pose, separate hands in sides, bend leg in knee, catch her by hands, and pull up to breast-breathe in, return -breathe out, repeat by every leg on 2-3 times.
13. Same, wrists of one hand put on breast, other on belly, diaphragm breath , doing are 4-5 breathes in, and breathes out.
14. Hands on waist, support-on the bending in knees of leg, bend-breathe in, relax , low hands-breathe out, repeat 4–5 times.
15. Hands to shoulders, doing circle moves in shoulder joints, initial breath, repeat ten times to the front, and ten times back.
16.Hands lie free on the knees, squeeze in fist and squeeze out fingers , initial breath, repeat 10-15 times.
17. Same, sit, and walk, doing two steps /rise and low right leg, after left-breathe in, four steps -breathe in, two steps -pause, repeat for 2-3 times.
18. Recline on the chair s wall, deeply, calm to do 3-4 breathe in and breathe out.
19.Sit, tight to the chair s wall, loudly say sounds , by one on breathe out :a, o,u,i,z,g after are combinations : br, uh, ah. Breathe in doing wavily through nose.
20. Same pose, diaphragm breath, doing 3-4 breathes in and breathes out.
21. Relax, breath wavery and slowly.
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