By Gridchik, candidate for medical science.
A not hard guess ,that is speech goes about inflammation diseases of uterine appendages. Salpingitis is inflammatory for uterine tube and oophoritris inflammation for ovary are for younf womens affecting leading to many sufferings.
Am in my my practice often meeting with appearance,which calling tube sterility and am see all chains for problems,that seems on begin is small, but ending true hard is sterility. And not cured, complicated inflamation process in uterine tubes , leading to theirs obstruction, and she is not preventing pregnancy, aand fertilized ovary not lead till uterine, beginning develpming in tube, thus ectopic pregnancy beginning , which taking for itself are sutgery and removing part of tube, and ectopic pregnancies is a sterility. Am sharing for this,that womens to understand ,a problem can to avoid,and not an all informed, what is must to do.
And who visiting me for consultation, am everybody warning , inflammation of urine appendages ,if this is stayed, not give for inflammatory process transfer in chronic, and suffering for chronic diseases of uterine appendages are need to know, and how to prevent her recidives. And by order.
First. And inflammation reason are different infected microorganisms, gonococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydias and etc. In tubes and ovaries, they are entering by ascending way from vagina and uterine, thus preventing for disease is not possible. If women not keeping elementary rules for private hygiene. And not asking for hubby this to do. And for every woman and male is morning toilet and every evening for external sex organs , and preventing methods are periodically for one time /week syringes of sol. Manganese, infusion of chamomile, bidens tripartite, and which are good and a how-to syringe will say you doctor. As infected microorganisms causing inflammatory diseases of uterine appendages, but a provoking background for favourable soil for theirs development, staying over cooling. Thus on cold winter wear warm tights, pantyhose , but for salpingitis , oophoritis affecting women's endured viruses diseases for top breath ways, physical, nerve, psychical over loading, therefore , what are affecting hardening for, strengthening organism a woman are for preventing inflammations for genitalia. Young women's, girls am advising cooled shower on 18-20C , and on winter, spring use vitamins. Second. Certainly any disease better to prevent ,than to cure , but you are twisted of inflammations uterine tubes? Temperature is not high, sub-febrifuge , most a 38C , and a most hard ache in over pubis and groin regions irradiating in sacrum , increasing in any physical loading , and in walk, in defecation very strong , urination. And secretions between menses, non-regular menses, very big.
And bed regime here needing, which prescribes your doctor. Antibiotics prescribing, sulphonamides is doctor s prerogative. Not use self cure, antibiotics are many of my patients self using, it's not good, a microbes manufacturing stable to remedies, its hardening curing. And very other hard risk is hurt syndrome, and not just of uterine appendages' inflammation, but of cyst ovary ruptures, appendix, other acute diseases, that delaying in help, is like for dead truly. If women think about, that acuting for appendages inflammations, will drink analgesics, thus she risks for life, use analgin, reopirin, amidopirin by doctor s prescribing just! A low ache till visiting a doctor help heating pad with ice apply to belly low on 20-30 min, doing it for 2-3 times in every 4-5 hours, but warm procedures are bath, hot heating pads avoiding on acuting stage . Course a cure y doctor till end doing, if you are thought, that you are healthy , and not need in remedies, not in regime using. And third. A part for speech a very serious. And every small in a work condition in uterine appendages' inflammation, is causing acuting, and to provide this small is a not easy. What you must to know, having these diseases. As avoiding work in hot place , where temperature is 35C and more, and in often over cooling /that lots of women's, girls are suffering this diseases having professional skaters. Avoiding fast temperature changing of air, high humidity, vibration. A limiting rising heavy items ,its a risk for uterine falling out. And importance is clothes hygiene, pants wearing of cotton/synthetic accumulating elector static charges, destroying blood spreading in organs of small pelvis. And on a top is you understand, not on hot weather time are wearing woollen tights or leggings. And of remission time doctor s advices in taking sage and salted-coniferous baths, in a day , for 10-15 min.And importance to protect against pregnancy, and how to plan a pregnancy? Also, a how to better to do, when to plan?and to birth, will advise your doctor.
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