At the shop to see a jar with labels Salad of sea cabbage, you are sliding by her a bored look and not thinking buying her, but free will. But if you would live in Old China in kingdom Imperator Kansi ,thus neglect to sea cabbage as would be to assess as crime. Included for doctor s advices, kingdom created decree, that prescribing for all livers everyday eating sea cabbage.Thus, since this ,in these regions are never meet patients with goitre. As a sea cabbage stayed a habit food, thus such patients are not having on today. And remaining just to admire for foresight a doctor's antiquity, are never knew goitre reasons, and not sea cabbage structure, that they can enter in point!
And epidemic goitre developing in livers at regions, where are water and soil poor with iodine and organism getting his not enough. Thyroid gland is a base accumulation and over manufacture iodine, and beginning functioning with intact :as goitre development -her reaction on insufficient a stuff. And today for such regions offered preventing methods as iodine salts. But artificial created food not to competitor with vital s nature, as in sea cabbage not a just much iodine, but , and biological active substances, helping this iodine absorbing, like serving his on plate.
But a one this would be enough, that treat to sea cabbage or laminaria as her a botanical name with all respect. Ant anti goitre is her special effect and importance. At books old and modern shares ,that she is affecting on rejuvenation, as life prolonging. Yes, that in addiction for interesting to her are true, but a base objective is having. An entering in menu laminaria stopping developing atherosclerosis. Analysing stats for dead of atherosclerotic plaques in heart, vessels, where in continental regions, where are seafood very rare, thus she is staying on first place by dead, but on the seaside as in Japan, is far for back moved. As and own longevity they are describing as an often entering in ration laminaria, yes, if they are left regions without seaside ,thus atherosclerosis is very popular and risk staying. Japanises are long living in own regions are rare on ten times having atherosclerosis ,than migrated to the USA . Anti-sclerotic effect from laminaria is describing by high iodine containing, but not just this, that having antagonist for cholesterol is betasitosterol that dissolving deposited on walls of vessels cholesterol plaques. And on the last years found, that thanks for regular entering in organism, sea cabbage are abundant for cholesterol stopping depositing in tissues and splitting on his containing parts is easy from his removing. And, biologic active components of sea cabbage activating fermenting systems of human, that affecting on cleaning vessels. But a still sea cabbage having anticoagulating effects, preventing high blood coagulation and thrombus forming, that with her help a lowering pro thrombus index on 10–13 percents, and in his lowering an importance role playing Vitamins B6,B12,C, nicotinic acid ,and these are not full kit of vitamins containing in laminaria, and in sea cabbage having like hormonal substances for anti-sclerotic effect . Nature here worked, like a unique pharmacist , specially created remedy against atherosclerosis. And its not an all, preliminary results by experimental tests done on animals , showed ,that laminaria is influencing for lowering suction and accumulating in organism radio nuclides a strontium and caesium.
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