By Polozenkova, candidate for medical science.
A most often meeting kind of diaphragm hernias, when through widened opening of diaphragm a part of stomach or any other organ for peritoneum region displacing in breast region. A stomach containing with salted acid, free placing in gullet/reflux appearance/, and constant affecting of acid on mucus membranes of stomach leading her to inflammation is reflux-esophagitis. Patients having icterus, heartburn, regurgitation by air, breast behind burning aches and epigastria with irradiating in heart region, in left shoulder,like stenocardia attack. Specialists by testing are share, that for throw a stomach containing in gullet are influencing of body incline to the front, pushing, rising heavy items and horizontal position. That you must rise heavy items on 5-6 kg, and gymnastic doing not incline body to the front, not strain peritoneum press, not wear tight bandages, belts, corsettes , sleep with high rising headboards of bed, or on 2–3 pillows, and in rising position not just head staying and top body part. An importance check for bowel work, fighting with meteorism, hard stools, they are rising in peritoneum pressure and causing gastro-gullet reflux. Chopped meal eating for 4-5 times/day and by small portions, last eating before 3-4 hours till sleep, after eating for hour to sit or walk, that increasing meal evacuation from stomach, lowering gastro -gullet reflux, and not drink water, or other liquid with gas between meal time . Overeating and eating food, causing meteorism as fresh bread, sauerkraut, fresh cabbage, peas, grapes are affecting in stomach, in peritoneum pressure and as consequence for throwing containing of stomach in gullet. In acuting esophagitis prescribing diet nr 1 or meal s table as of soft-boiled eggs, butter oil, milk, fromage, rubbing or liquid curd as creams, vegetable soups chopping, fish and meat soufflé, soaking bread, rusks, apples shredding or baked. Avoid drink sour fruit juices, avoiding smoking, alcohol, gas drinks, spices. And in obesity and other diseases for gullet diet selecting your doctor. If not use his advices that is happening, when it's happened with our patient N, 59 Y.OLD. And he is suffered from hernia diaphragm opening alimentary, gastro-gullet reflux , and weak reflux esophagitis, he cured in our hospital and left on satisfactory condition, and he received advices a how to prevent gastric-gullet esophagitis and reflux-esophagitis, diet for use, avoiding alcohol, and in through half years visit us for a using preventing course for remedies. But he is not used advices, drunk beer, burned heartburn by soda, that in a year doctor visited, of strong aches behind breast as burned, strong heartburn as on horizontal position. And on the night he woke up for 3-4 times as to drink. sol. Of baking soda, but short improves he had. In x-ray and endoscopic that found still ulcer in low gullet region on 1.5 on 1 cm, thus cure prescribed on four months, through probe entered remedies and inside in gullet, intro muscularly. That example shows, what is risk of self cure and ignoring advices your doctor.
2. Hernia.
3. Norm.
4. Reflux.
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