By Ivanov, professor.
Do not shade windows with flowers and hard curtains, often ventilate places, as on dry, sunny days especially, clean, light, low humidity at place will help fight from dermatophagoides ticks.
Home dust is a not true evidence for negligence a mistress, she is still allergen household, affecting causing allergy disease and reactions. Dust contain is a heterogeneous, in her having parts of clothes, bedsheets, upholstery of soft furniture, porter, fluffes of carpets, but a most often allergy of home dust conditioned a containing in her especially dermatophagoides ticks. These ticks feeding by squamate scales of human s skin, and we are loosing 0.5-1 gr/week, they are entering in bed linen , on blankets, pillows, mattress, here are living ticks, in gr of be s dust are having 500 gr and more, but every specie size are 0.4 ml ,thus by eyes you cannot see theirs. Optimal temperature for air for the life activity plus 25C, humidity on 75-80C , such microclimate usually supporting in feather beds, pillows, which are long keeping warm and humidity, thus bed is theirs ecologic, especial niche for ticks. When you are cleaning, shaking lined bed, pillows, blankets they are spreading in room. But by science stats, dust not of ticks, too causing allergy reactions, but allergy to tick causing very clear. Test for diagnosis for allergy diagnosis by allergy tests, that for patient into skin entering or by application on a skin allergen and evaluating a how organism reacts on his. Positive answering reaction, when on a place of entering causing redness, inflammation and skin oedema ,thus this allergen provoking disease, which suffers a patient. Thus, in a few patients with bronchial asthma , allergen prepared from dermatophagoide ticks at home dust staying /theirs water-salted extract, giving positive reaction, and these ticks are causing a reason for such allergy diseases as allergy rhinitis as stuffy nose, laryngitis, tracheitis, dermatitis. And base goal for cure, preventing are removing allergen from surrounding environment or elimination. And patient, in which found it, are needing fighting theirs. Thus, a high humidity is a high condition for ticks living, thus you must low her. For this on dried, sunny weather are often ventilating place, after keeping opening windows and balcony window, not shade windows with flowers or hard curtains ,they are preventing entering in room sunlight, if you will landscape territory before home, plant trees and bushes high is not close to the home as on ten cm a far from home , not dry clothes at home on the radiators, close door in kitchen where you are cooking, boiling are high humidity staying. Every week change bed linen, pyjamas, shirts, on the summer dry clothes on balcony, soft furniture, mattress, blankets, slippers are clean for 3-4 times/week by vacuum , and against dust in home, for one time/week clean good. Furniture clean with towel, wetting in specially liquid for this. If in your family somebody suffering from allergy, avoid carpets, at your bed room, hard portières, towels, soft toys, which are a few decorate apartments. Clean, light at room helping fighting ticks, and importance is private hygiene and cleaning body, taking shower. Everyday taking shower or in a day, that water removing scales exfoliated, every day changing underwear. Chemical insecticides are for fighting ticks is am not possible recommending, they are dangerous for human, and remedies prescribing a doctor will do it by allergy displays in patient , and level of expression.
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