And lots of us thinking, that stress displaying under many factors, psychical overloads, but also affecting and physical factors as hot, cold, currents by dead frequencies, ray energy, chemistry are acids, alkaline, narcotics, alcohol, and his derivatives for benzole, infections agents, If irritation raising a limit and possibles for organism adapting, organism answers a sicked condition. Suffering endocrine, nerve systems, forming hypertension, acute stressed stomach ulcer, kidneys functions destroying, and cases am saw as myocarditis infarcts and patient dead faster. As of stress disbacteriosis having, niduses chronic infections acuting , as longer stress and more his faults a probably high pathologic processes .As for example hypertonic disease displaying on hot time, flue in stressed patient on the cold weather, stomach ulcer in recently stress, and in addicted patient ,that all need to know you, living in condition for stressed situations, that to understand a possible for healthy life.
And modern person, at big towns often staying in stress as of overloads, thus adaptogens can help you to adapt to conditions of bad environment external, remedies of these plants preventing dangerous effects as lowering work capacity, insomnia, irritability, hypersensitive to headaches and fatigue as affecting to infections, and tumours, that effect explains in rising inside energy of cell metabolism, and adaptogens rising coefficient for benefit effect of organism/CBEO/, and here are using classical adaptogens.
Root of life, effectivity curing on 70 percents diseases, activating mental, and physical work capacity, increasing cardiovascular system activating as helping in asthenia ,depression, neurosis, insomnia, impotence, and his good use on a time in recovering after infections diseases, psychical overloads, hard surgeries, that stimulates adrenal activity, thanks for a high phosphorus having is a good affecting on memory and function for bone tissue, usual tincture using are 15-20 drops for 2 times/day.
Tincture of Aralia Manchurian using on 30-40 drops for two times/day before meal for increasing stability of organism to affecting of different factors are avoiding ionizing radiation as very relativity for patients with asthenic-depressive condition, hypotonia, post-traumatic disorders.
Eleuterococcus or Siberian ginseng preventing ray diseases, rising enduring of chemo therapy, effectivity i hypochondrias climax, use on 30-40m drops for 2 times/day and with ointment of eleuterococcus helping in oily seborrhoea, alopecia, but course is 1.5 months, with repeating using in 7-10 days.
Schizandra China stimulating colour perception, useful in loading as mental, physical, overloading, asthenia, depressions, as drivers, pilots are keeping driving, as not sleeping if you will chew few leafs of Schizandra , adding berries handful in home preserving will add for brine spicy taste ,that not needing using vinegar.
Avoiding he is in nervous exciting, hypertension, destroying heart rhythm, dose is recommending on 20-30 drops for 2-3 times/day.
Echinopanax as water-spirit tinctures of roots as from a far east herb, using on 30-40 drops for 2 times/day as tonic, weak fatigue, irritability, improves sleep, and benefit in hypotonia, asthenia in pregnancy, positive results has been received in schizophrenia with neuro- similar symptomatic , on ten drops for 2-3 times/days prescribing for children who are hard adapting to school s conditions.
Leuzea saphlor liquid tincture on 15-20 drops using before meal in overloading as physical, mental, weakness after infections and injuries, neurosis, depression.
Rhodiola pink.
Extract of using 10–15 drops for 2-3 times/day in high mental loading and for rising work capacity as on far trips, and endurance in work for hard climate conditions.
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