Lots of gardeners enjoying this bush with original structure of leafs , and flowers beautiful, this is berberis simple, which is decorative and having lots of healing effects.
Berberis non-high is twig bush with thorns on twigs.For cure using all parts of herb, berries preparing on September, bark is on May, Roots are of early spring till swelling buds or autumn after berries ripping, leafs are on phase budding and berberis blooming.
Base effecting substance is alkaloid berberine , and in bark, roots are higher ,than in other herb part.And in light villages old using his long time as for healing inside bleeding is power blood stopping, and preparations of berberis are spreading healing liver diseases, gall bladder, gastrointestinal atonia.At Russia prescribing for healing effects is berberine sulphate of 40 perc. tincture of berberies leafs, and ten perc. Tincture of roots and bark. And remedies of barks, roots are vasodilating, bleeding stopping , increasing rhytmical shortening muscle of uterine, and rising her tone , and ability rising muscle tone for bowel, allowing using berberis in gastrointestinal atonia. Leafs tinctures using in obstetrician-gynecology practise as blood stopping on 25-30 drops for 203 times/day for 2-3 weeks, of roots, bark tincture as entering in structure for cholagogue preparation Cholelytine as for gall stone curing. At medicine infusion of bark , roots are one to 5 taking use one tbl.sp. for 3-4 times/day in liver diseases, uterine bleeding, berries of berberis useful in hypertonic diseases, scurvy, tincture of bark, leafs in malaria, lowering appetite.As of berberis getting remedy Berberine sulphate as spasmolitic, cholagogue, blood stopping remedy. At Tibet medicine stems of berberis using in jaundice, decoction of bark, roots as healing wounds, conjunctivitis, flowers cure diarrhoea, jaundice, diabetes, and by stats put, that berberis increasing healing effect for kinin, that importance in cure malaria.And affecting for removing plasmodium from the spleen, and found antitumor alkaloid berberine, that allowed entering berberis in famous mixture Zdrenko.
Of leafs cook infusion, ten gr of leafs in glass of water, infuse hour, use one tbl.sp. for 3-4 times/day before meal in bleeding after birth stage, chronic cholecystitis, and gall stone, and with this goal use tincture on 30 drops for 3 times/day before meal.
Leafs infusion in vodka cooking one to 5, infuse 2 weeks, use on 25-40 drops for 3-4 times/day before meal.
Roots tincture of vodka one to ten, as chopped roots infuse in vodka for 2 weeks, filter, use on 25-30 drops for three time/day before meal, in gall bladder diseases and liver, as cholagogue remedy.
One tea.sp. chopped roots add in glass of water, keep 30 min on water bath, filter, use 2 tbl.sp. for 3 times/day before meal in liver diseases.
2 tea.sp. of berries chopped add in glass for the hot water, keep half hours on water bath, filter, use 2 tbl.sp. for 3-4 times/day.
One tbl.sp. chopped berries and one tbl.sp. cmin sandy , add 0.5 l. of the hot water , infuse hour,filter, use as cholagogue remedy on 50 ml. for one times/day before meal.
Same use of leafs berberis, agrimony, black currant, 2 tbl.sp. chopped mass ass in 0.5 l. of the hot water, infuse for hour, filter, use on 50 ml. before meal for 3-4 times/day in urinary stone disease.
Berberine sulphate pills use on 0.005-0.01 mg for 3 times/day before meal in chronic hepatitis, hepatocholecystitis, gall stone , courses are 4 weeks, avoiding in pregnancy.
By Kosterov, biologis, phytotherapeutist.
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