Detox are unloading and diets. This is organism cleaning and with hot relaxing bath. She is stimulating sweating, effectivity to remove toxins, skin pores opening, that improving blood circulation . Before bath taking you need to drink a glass of warm water, entering in bath, water is maximally hot, but tolerable , in a cooling add hot water, procedure taking for one time/week, and for 20-30 min.
Calming lavender.
2tbl.sp. of dried flowers lavender with cup of 200 of English salt /magnesium sulphate/, and add in bath, add 5-6 drops of essential oil lavender.
Cup of soda meal mix with sea salt, Himalayan, dilute mixture in bath, add 5–7 drops of favourite essential oil, salts as sea and Himalayan are regulating containing water in all body, and support health balance PH.
Tone green tea.
In one l. of hot water cooking 5 packets of green tea, add one cup of sea and English salt, and essential oil, add mass in bath. Green tea is natural antioxidant, giving for skin tightness and affecting on detoxing, and in his structure are vitamins and benefit minerals, vitamin A gives for skin smooth, B2 keeping helping humidity.
Cleaning ginger.
Cup of English salt, 3 tbl.sp. of chopped ginger, 6 drops of essential oil of ginger, diluting in water. Ginger fight tiredness and tension, fighting muscle aches, skin is tight and elastic .
Milk and honey.
1-2 OF cups milk with hone mix, and cup of English salt. Milk acidity helping fighting dead cells , honey moisturizes and softens dry skin.
And possible individual contraindications, ask in doctor!
By Barkar , visceral therapy.
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