For you an ultrasound done for thyroid gland, and found nodule, oh my god you are associating with cancer, my life is end.
And discomfort in neck having, clod in throat, hard breathing. In mirror, you can see Adam s apple, but representing a thickening cartilage thyroid, and calling a thyroid gland enlarging, that she suffocate me, but if in ultrasound test finding a nodule for thyroid glands, thus now are all problems associating with her pathology.
What is nodule in thyroid gland?
Where is from gone this calling.
And probably in old escalates found on the neck a some reminding a nodule by external kind and in palpation. And here is displayed such therm. But for doctor a nodule is a not diagnosis ,this is forming on one cm in diameter, which finding by visually palpation , and in ultrasound testing or radioisotopic , but sometimes in a sensor for neck vessels or CT.A most right and simple method is diagnosis for nodule a thyroid gland is ultrasound, which having in any hospital .If forming in thyroid gland a less ,than one c, in diameter, thus this is calling focal hyperplasia, not a nodule, and not having clinical meaning, just needing for dynamic checking. And these patients are not checking by ultrasound on an every year, and hormonal testing, that a removing time for not useful everyday tests, which are not affecting on prognosis. And not having complaints as clod in throat, hardening swallowing are not needing for doing ultrasound test, just a occasion for neck region checking for a finding a size enlarging or palpating forming or lymphatic nodules for neck.
But a next question? Does a true, that thyroid glands hormones keeping a normal?Yes, nodule is a structure understanding, but levels for hormones are determine condition her function, and relationship between them are not having.
And to find, what is it, you can do simple testing his thin need aspiration biopsy, and not worry, nothing will not pluck off in you, and on live, as with a thin needle by control ultrasound a take by doctor on a testing a few cells. And doing a narcosis? But, when blood testing doing from veins without freezing, and procedure doing longer, and not for 3 sec, as in biopsy doing. And in a three sec you are going at home and on the next day receiving result.
And what does analyses say? By stats are 97 percents nodules displaying of iodine deficit , which are having lots of patients , a most often meeting colloid homo gene mass, without thyroid cells having. But very rare, and finding neoplasms, thus and here doing searching and testing , and for a future diagnosis needing. A therm as multinodular goitre is a presence in thyroid gland are 2 or a few nodules, but a how unravel this tangle?And what is happened in nature,that to create such unusual combination by intricacies of two, five, 7 nodule? And a such iodine deficit and such nodules quantities are not needing fearing. Merezkovsky in Roman Resurrection gods, Da Vinci describes two chinnos are sat on bench ,brothers adults, as swollen ,like ascites two goitres big on the neck, a disease a usual, among inhabitants are Bergamo s mountains. This situation is other, where in mountain regions, are poor with iodine are met peoples with a big goitres and nodules, and hypothyreosis is a not rare is lowering function for thyroid glands.Today these conditions are sunk into oblivion. For adults for a finding nodule condition are doing radioisotopic testing is scintigraphy for thyroid gland. And not worry, testing is saving and entering in vein preparation is a full leaving organism through a few hours. This scanning doing, when levels for hormones are high and here surgery going.For diagnosis, an usual nodule is not informatively.
Computer tomography doing for a rate squeezing syndrome as compression for trachea by big goitre and in complaints.MRT is in nodules significant. And if are nodules found, visit endocrinologist, and he will check you about a biopsy need or not need , if yes, doctor will result and add advices.
And which hormones are checking?
A doctor in private clinics checking are lots tests, that you are worry for prices, as you cannot understand for antibodies to receptors TTG, thyreoglobuline, thyreoperoxidasa and triodthyronin hypophis, that are lots in your paper. For a definition a goitre nodule, just for begin is enough a level for thyrotropic hormone hypophyses as for exclusion a destroying function for thyroid. He is oblivions for a first diagnosi s a pathology for thyroid gland and for realizing patient s monitoring with nodule goitre. IF level for TTHH IS norm, thus patient s complaints on dryness skin, heart beating, hypertension, weight enlarging , edemas are not tied with pathology for thyroid gland . Additional hormones significant need if hypertheriosis having is a high her function, but TTHH Says for you a first.
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