A top pie is cut, remove a middle, and fill in hole with apple jam, mixed with raisin.Sprinkle a sugar with cinnamon and bake in spreaded with oil a form on the pan in not hot oven.
2 pies is glass of apple jam, or chopped apples, one bl.sp. raisin, sugar, cinnamon by taste.
Pikelets with an apples.
In ready pastry put one tea.sp. apple puree, roll up and a top as to close, as a giving for form a pikelets ,like walnut.And cooking such 20 balls put in pan with melted oil, add vegetable oil, and fry pikelets till browning.Hot pikelets sprinkle with sugar powder and serve to the tea.
As for pastry cooking use 400 gr of flour, 2 glasses of warm water, half packet of yeasts, egg, and such dough getting put in warm place.And on the morning put 100 gr of butter oil, one tbl.sp. sugar, salt by taste and 200 gr of flour. And good knead and put for fermenting.After separate pastry for 20 parts and use for pikelets cooking.
Roll apple.
As cleaned apples from peel, middle as 600 gr chop, put on pastry layer, sprinkle a sugar, roll up, spread with egg and bake. And for pastry cooking use 100 gr of curd, 100 gr of butter oil, rub all till one mass getting, salt, add glass of flour, and mix. And for 3 hours put in cold and use for a roll cooking.
Apple Charlotte.
Enamel pot spread with oil, put on her are grinded rusks 200 gr, and on theirs are chopped apples 0.5 kg, every layer sprinkle with sugar, put a piece of butter oil. And put a pot on oven for 20 min, and till rusks and apples swelling.Serve her with fruit sauce, or berry jam.
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