As very spreading dish, but taste,appetite and useful. Fresh fruits boil 5 min in marinade, put on the plates,sprinkle chopped nuts and pour over marinade,serve as cool kind.
Pancakes of cherry plum.
As old spreading dish.
As very simple cooking of cherry plums cooking in salted water, separate pulp from stones, in puree gtting add ten perc. of flour, mix till a needing thickness, diluting a water and bake pancakes , flatbreads, like a caucasian pita. And flatbread are good,that if wetting in hot water, you are getting taste porridge,and you can eat theirs with tea, milk, meat. As comfortable keep in bag for work lunch, as they are change sweets, bread. And not causing heaviness in stomach, than flatbreads of flour, and good digesting.
Cherry plum porridge.
on one kg of cherry plum porridge add 2 glasses of manna, 50 gr of butter oil, salt,sugar by taste.
Cherry plum juice.
As for a juice cooking you can using cherry plum blue, yellow, dark red, and other kinds. A sour getting a juice, thus his mixing with more sweet juices as apples, grape, apricot.
And in juicer mashine juice cookung as fruits cooking in pot, clean from pulp, bones and puree getting with diluting in water till a needing thickness, and for a keeping juice leading till boiling and add in ready bottles.
Cherry plum compote.
Washed fruits of clean stones, add fruits in sugar syrup, lead till boiling and serve as cool.
Syrup cooking of 300 gr ready berrries are 150 gr of sugar, 4 glasses of water.
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