519. Why obesity attacks us?
Obesity is metabolism destroy, when fat forming processes from nourishing substances are prevail over processes his split, and a most often obesity causing endocrine diseases.
520. I Am visited for the pool is one year, for to slim, but nothing happened,weight is to keep.
A sport needs to use with the right meal as a diet, and thus you are nothing getting, and in cold water swimming is not helping for slimming, as after such a meal you are eating more, than if you are swimming in warm.
521. What is a separate meal, I am interesting in using this for slimming.
This is about one method for meal eating is avoiding mixing are protein, and carbohydrate meal, as protein meal are meat, sausages, fish, milk, oil, Fromage, curd, mushroom, nuts, bean. And carbohydrates are bread, potato, cereal,sweets, sugar, jam, honey, as such not matching meal are causing hard stool, and bad digesting,and of hard stool leading to obesity too, as a size for such slag are 8 kg.And here is bowel damaging, blood is poisoning, and in separate meal, such process is not having.
522. I am interested in vegetable diet, as she is helping in slimming, am needing to lost are 20 kg.
As a very good diet, helping with organism cleaning and slimming, as for breakfast eat shredding carrot fresh salad of, oats flakes and corn as in fatness milk dressing, in three hours eating apple or fresh cucumber, for lunch cook salad of any vegetables and two stewed potatoes. And dress a salad with vegetable oil. Eat such salad with rye bread. As in two hours after lunch eats sweet pepper red as on 150 gr, he needed for a normal heart work, as diet is a high load for heart, and for dinner again cook salad of any vegetables. And not cook salad as advance, he losing vitamins, and dinner use before two hours to sleep.
Obesity is metabolism destroy, when fat forming processes from nourishing substances are prevail over processes his split, and a most often obesity causing endocrine diseases.
520. I Am visited for the pool is one year, for to slim, but nothing happened,weight is to keep.
A sport needs to use with the right meal as a diet, and thus you are nothing getting, and in cold water swimming is not helping for slimming, as after such a meal you are eating more, than if you are swimming in warm.
521. What is a separate meal, I am interesting in using this for slimming.
This is about one method for meal eating is avoiding mixing are protein, and carbohydrate meal, as protein meal are meat, sausages, fish, milk, oil, Fromage, curd, mushroom, nuts, bean. And carbohydrates are bread, potato, cereal,sweets, sugar, jam, honey, as such not matching meal are causing hard stool, and bad digesting,and of hard stool leading to obesity too, as a size for such slag are 8 kg.And here is bowel damaging, blood is poisoning, and in separate meal, such process is not having.
522. I am interested in vegetable diet, as she is helping in slimming, am needing to lost are 20 kg.
As a very good diet, helping with organism cleaning and slimming, as for breakfast eat shredding carrot fresh salad of, oats flakes and corn as in fatness milk dressing, in three hours eating apple or fresh cucumber, for lunch cook salad of any vegetables and two stewed potatoes. And dress a salad with vegetable oil. Eat such salad with rye bread. As in two hours after lunch eats sweet pepper red as on 150 gr, he needed for a normal heart work, as diet is a high load for heart, and for dinner again cook salad of any vegetables. And not cook salad as advance, he losing vitamins, and dinner use before two hours to sleep.
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