523. Share a spell against insomnia.
Before going to bed, go out into the courtyard, go around the house three times, cross yourself three times, look up to the sky and tell the plot of insomnia: Dawn, lightning, red girl, Mother herself and the queen; The month was shining, clear stars, Take my insomnia, drowsiness, half-moon, Dream-dream, come to me even as a red maiden, Though my mother queen, And lay me down, withdraw Cursed power from me, And give me the Savior Jesus Christ’s hand, Prisnodevin Maryin castle. My angel, my archangel, save my soul, Hold my heart, Enemy of Satan, give me up. I am baptizing with the cross, I enclose myself with the cross, I invoke with the Cross of the angel, I drive away from the evil one with the Cross. In the name of father and son and holy spirit Forever and ever. Amen. When, during a conspiracy from insomnia, speak about the cross, be baptized three times. Copied from the site: https://www.astromeridian.ru/magic/
524. Which mudra helps in insomnia.
As in insomnia doing such mudra and she helping you as direction finger softer connect with a pillow of a big finger, other fingers, and straightening as not loading. That mudra fights emotional loading, worry, and anxiety.
525. Anise helps against insomnia.
Yes, one tea.sp. of seeds chopped adding in a glass of hot milk, infuse, filter, add one tea.sp. of honey, use anise honey milk is warm.
526. How to use peony infusion.
part of roots peony adding in ten parts of 40 percent spirit or vodka, infuse are 2 weeks, use are 40 drops or 30 for 3 times a day.
As in high acidity, gastritis is need to know,that peony rises acidity fir stomach juice and peony is poison herb , thus use the right dosage.
527. Am lost my work, as no money, no pay, and am found other work, and stress was been strong, that feeling heart beating and dizziness of dishes washing, and having insomnia, sleeping and watching night horrors, in the morning am tired.
That process as losing work led to mg in your organism shortening, thus are symptoms displayed, try to rise mg in your organism with the meal are bananas, apples, avocado, red pepper, grapefruits, lemons, seeds sesame, milk, fish, meat, and less eat fats, proteins, vitamin D.
528. Does the right pose for sleep has?
Yes, a right pose is sleeping on the belly, hands put under the low pillow if you not has hypertension, and turn face to the left, such pose is relaxing you, and spine is not bending, vertebras are resting and inside organ does not press on kidneys, as cleaning organism, slags remove, but this pose is a benefit, if you are not eaten for sleep, as with a filling stomach is hard to sleep, and not on the belly, if you not want digestive problems, and on the left side sleep is good for a digestive work but bad for the heart.
529. In my daughter is often hurts a head, she sleeps bad.
As use the same herb of blooming sally and clover, add one tbl.sp. mass in the glass of the hot water, infuse are 30 minutes,, filter, use ob 1/2 glasses, like tea, aroma clover blooming sally tea drinking for night effects a good, like sedative remedy.
Before going to bed, go out into the courtyard, go around the house three times, cross yourself three times, look up to the sky and tell the plot of insomnia: Dawn, lightning, red girl, Mother herself and the queen; The month was shining, clear stars, Take my insomnia, drowsiness, half-moon, Dream-dream, come to me even as a red maiden, Though my mother queen, And lay me down, withdraw Cursed power from me, And give me the Savior Jesus Christ’s hand, Prisnodevin Maryin castle. My angel, my archangel, save my soul, Hold my heart, Enemy of Satan, give me up. I am baptizing with the cross, I enclose myself with the cross, I invoke with the Cross of the angel, I drive away from the evil one with the Cross. In the name of father and son and holy spirit Forever and ever. Amen. When, during a conspiracy from insomnia, speak about the cross, be baptized three times. Copied from the site: https://www.astromeridian.ru/magic/
524. Which mudra helps in insomnia.
As in insomnia doing such mudra and she helping you as direction finger softer connect with a pillow of a big finger, other fingers, and straightening as not loading. That mudra fights emotional loading, worry, and anxiety.
525. Anise helps against insomnia.
Yes, one tea.sp. of seeds chopped adding in a glass of hot milk, infuse, filter, add one tea.sp. of honey, use anise honey milk is warm.
526. How to use peony infusion.
part of roots peony adding in ten parts of 40 percent spirit or vodka, infuse are 2 weeks, use are 40 drops or 30 for 3 times a day.
As in high acidity, gastritis is need to know,that peony rises acidity fir stomach juice and peony is poison herb , thus use the right dosage.
527. Am lost my work, as no money, no pay, and am found other work, and stress was been strong, that feeling heart beating and dizziness of dishes washing, and having insomnia, sleeping and watching night horrors, in the morning am tired.
That process as losing work led to mg in your organism shortening, thus are symptoms displayed, try to rise mg in your organism with the meal are bananas, apples, avocado, red pepper, grapefruits, lemons, seeds sesame, milk, fish, meat, and less eat fats, proteins, vitamin D.
528. Does the right pose for sleep has?
Yes, a right pose is sleeping on the belly, hands put under the low pillow if you not has hypertension, and turn face to the left, such pose is relaxing you, and spine is not bending, vertebras are resting and inside organ does not press on kidneys, as cleaning organism, slags remove, but this pose is a benefit, if you are not eaten for sleep, as with a filling stomach is hard to sleep, and not on the belly, if you not want digestive problems, and on the left side sleep is good for a digestive work but bad for the heart.
529. In my daughter is often hurts a head, she sleeps bad.
As use the same herb of blooming sally and clover, add one tbl.sp. mass in the glass of the hot water, infuse are 30 minutes,, filter, use ob 1/2 glasses, like tea, aroma clover blooming sally tea drinking for night effects a good, like sedative remedy.
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