499. A hot to do for breast milk rising, anis would help me?
Yes, use two tea.sp. of seeds in glass for the hot water, infuse 30 minutes are on the water bath, cool for ten minutes, filter, add one tbl.sp. of sugar, use two tbl.sp. for 4 times a day, and drink more liquid as tea with milk.
500. As baby is 2 weeks, try to breast manufacture, but milk not goes, cry baby is, am in the panic, am need for his to feed.
As use one tbl.sp. of seeds caraway and glass of Fromage, boil 3 minutes is on weak fire, use for one time and its help. Or use seeds of dill, anise, fennel as one tbl.sp. mass add in glass for the hot water, infuse in the closed dish for an hour, filter, use 0.5 glass for 2 times a day in an hour after the meal.
Yes, use two tea.sp. of seeds in glass for the hot water, infuse 30 minutes are on the water bath, cool for ten minutes, filter, add one tbl.sp. of sugar, use two tbl.sp. for 4 times a day, and drink more liquid as tea with milk.
500. As baby is 2 weeks, try to breast manufacture, but milk not goes, cry baby is, am in the panic, am need for his to feed.
As use one tbl.sp. of seeds caraway and glass of Fromage, boil 3 minutes is on weak fire, use for one time and its help. Or use seeds of dill, anise, fennel as one tbl.sp. mass add in glass for the hot water, infuse in the closed dish for an hour, filter, use 0.5 glass for 2 times a day in an hour after the meal.
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