At scientist s laboratory.
Cells are any organism are born and die, if it would not have, thus mass of human within 40 days increase on twice, and ageing process displaying faster. A such law of nature, life is a not possible without changing are ageing cells on new. But dead of cells by different reasons is ability and prematurity. A to prevent this threat,a need to know reasons for cells dead, and key to theirs understanding are ability found by Soviet radiobiologists, which are put concrete mechanism for die cells, his leading chain -as degradation for genetic material a cell -DNA. And scientists found base reasons for splitting DNA in die cells. And its we are informed, that ionizing radiation die any cell , beginning from bacteria and ending are cells of human s organism. And just it seems, like a same method effects on cells and a few hormones, antitumor remedies, and cells of immune system, recognizing are in organism appearances foreign cells and realizing supervision over them. Chains of biochemical reactions, are of degradations process a DNA , are in all data cases identical, hat allowing talking about programmed by nature a mechanism for cell die. But her die begins is not right away: degradation of genetical material beginning still in alive, work capacity cell.As for example a mass die of lymphocytes, playing a first role level in regulation for blood creation and supporting immunity in organism against infections, is not happening right away after affecting radioactive radiation, but later in a few hours. Thus till cell not dead, her can to save. An appreciation for researching are by together specialists for Institute of bio physic, Moscow a science researching roentgen-radiologic institute , are tagged by state s award ,as concluding , that scientists analysed different representation about a mechanism cell die ,are created a science justified biochemical picture that process and exit on a way for experimental methods of cure are damages cells. And its theoretical research having a practically meaning for radiation medicine . As after radiation, an organism are die lots of cells, and goes biochemical reaction for degradation of a DNA. By a quality and the quantity, her split is entering in urine and blood is ability to know a how many cells are dead. And give a rate for heaviness radiation damage ,that is importance for therapy of ray disease. A task is hard, but modern achievements of molecular biology, biochemic and pharmacists are doing her solution is real.
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