Today we are with M.Gurevich, candidate for medical science, doctor-dietologist , by institute for meal , are keeping talk about sugar diabetes .
1. What a not must to drink and eat for patient with sugar diabetes, we are known, but what is allowed?
Lots of patients are sure, that diet is something not taste , limits and avoids often, its wrong. By a science evidenced diet for diabetic need to be a normal , taste, different , for needing in right substances, energy, enough kilocalories, and include products for slow absorbing carbohydrates. Creating diet doctors taking for bases are formed stereotype for meal, entering changed for order and slowly. And fast to break habits and tastes are avoiding, but if you're enjoying sweets you need to change on stevia of sweeteners.
2. Which meal are needing including in ration by your advice?
A first of all vegetables, fruits, are giving for organism vitamins, mineral, vegetable fibres, a minimum carbohydrates , as less 5 gr in 100 gr, having in cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, squash, pumpkin, aubergines, dill, red radish, green onion, mushrooms, lemon, cranberry, more carbohydrates from 5 till 10 in citric, strawberry, currant, cow berry, raspberry, apricots, peaches, but avoiding vegetables and fruits with 10 gr and more carbohydrates as potato, green peas, bananas, grapes, pineapples, sweet kinds of apples, figs, dried apricots.
3. What you can to advise from protein meal?
Fatness meat, fish, are very needing for feeling saturation and ration balance, not fat milk food, but on limit, but if you enjoy ask in doctor, as milk carbohydrates can affect on the sugar level in blood. Are good salads of vegetables, fruit, as in adding not fat meat, fish, and about cereals, bread,they are keeping in ration, and asking in a doctor on what quantities.
Remember importance, that allowing norm for carbohydrates is defining just specialist checking you.
4. And what I must to drink, that is diabetes symptom one is thirst, and any to drink is a not good idea.
Am recommending usually boiled water, not strong tea sugar-free, not strong coffee, at home pressed juices not sweet from markets .
5.But now on winter here are fruits, berries limiting, its a good idea to press self apple, orange juice.
And in markets who selling special drinks for diabetics are lucky, but from drinks you can buy invite, as very taste, different as of fruits, with sweetener, and vitamin C is matching. As his differences of apple, kiwi, raspberry are good refreshing, and in strong thirst enough is one glass. And for children's, are enjoying sweet drinks will enough 0.5-1 glass of Invite.
And on winter, when vitamins here are low, thus for diabetics its importance, use invite, that very taster and sweet, feeling also sweet , and not increase sugar in blood.
6. What on the holidays I must drink from alcohol?
And in decompensation diabetes, and diet prescribed, not deprives for life pleasure, as vegetable salads, seafood, jellied meat, fish jellies are good, but select lean piece. A champagne is attribute for new year, you must drink, and not just a dry, but white, red. And vodka, small glass. A sweet wines, brandy, liquors are avoiding, but if you want cherry, peach aroma, colour, add in pinch of glass with vodka a Drink Invite, and goal is done, taste is good, and nothing bad. And its a going if you are using all right. And to do for you a golden rule as on holidays and not . Be happy! Happy new year!
Recipes for diabetics by Doctor Gurvich, and Invite.
Stewed meat.
As on the bottom pan put 2 tbl.sp. of olive oil, add chopped petroselinum, carrot, celery, onion, pepper, bay leaf. After pieces of soft, lean meat, before to dry his, salted. A importance meat is whole piece, ad still olive oil spoon, close lid , and put in other with boiling water , as more size, as boiling all time water ,add hot water in evaporating time, keep on water bath for 4 hours. Cut meat on portion pieces, put are boiled vegetables and pout over secreted juice.
Grapefruit dessert.
Cut grapefruit on halves, sprinkle with cinnamon, fast warm in oven, remove, when smell will be a cinnamon.
Tomato drink Trubaduri.
Press lemon juice , add tomato juice, boiled water, salt by taste.
For 5-6 portions are one l. fresh tomato juice, juice of lemon, 2/3 glass of cold boiled water.
75 ml. of vodka, 2-3 tea.sp. of drink Invite/orange, or lemon/, 1-2 tea.sp. of Narzan mineral water, piece of orange.
All mix good , add in glass for cocktail are 2-3 cubes of ice, decorate piece of orange.
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