2. Horseman shooting in eagle. An ending first exercise doing, doing by right leg step in side, slightly sit, getting pose horseman. Toes of legs directed to the front, hands on waist, head straight, it's a initial pose for second exercise.On breathe on not strong squeeze hands in fists and rise theirs to the front before breast, bending in elbows, till shoulders level.
Direction and middle fingers of left hand raise up, forming a folk, and imaginary ,that is folk, supporting a imaginary arrow.
On breathe out move left hand in side by palm to front, and right hand ,squeezed in fist, move back. At the same time, turn head to left, look on direction finger of left hand. Pulling out in side left hand ,delay for sec in this position. Doing breathe in, squeezed in non-loaded fists, bending before breast. Turn head.
With breath in wavily low hands on hips. You are returned in initial position. Now same exercise doing in other side ,doing are three shootings for left, and right. This exercise affects for strengthening breast and hypochodrium muscles, hands muscles of hands and shoulder waist, improve blood circulation.
3. Connect sky and earth.
Stand up, straight, on the shoulders width or less, toes of legs directed to the front or slightly turned inside, bended knees, hands-free hanging for body along, palms turned back. On breathe in rise to the front till shoulders level slightly bent in elbows hands by palms up. With breath out wavily low hands by palms down till belly level.
And from this position doing breathe in, rise left hand over head, that fingers ends directing to the right, palm directed up. At the same time by right-hand press down, palm for feet parallelly, ends of fingers directed up, maximally pulling out. Bend hands , lead left to head, and right to ribs. Lowering around left hand through side low, doing breathe out. A t the same time low and right hand, repeat exercise ,rising up right hand, doing his for 2 time by every hand.
This exercise good affecting on digestion organs, peristaltic bowel .China s specialists are share ,that he is good preventing remedy against gastrointestinal diseases . Check attention on breath, he must synchrony with move.
By Denisova, instructor-Methodist.
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