You are having arterial pressure, like in cosmonaut , congratulate you! But not an everybody can brag this. Hypertension having every third in Russia, strokes are more, than in the USA , that sad stats share and China. A correspondent met with a a one from commission through manufactured for fighting hypertension by Academism Chazov, Professor Arabidze.
1. Guram , any state program are providing entering moneys, which in date budget to withdraw hard , and does it happen for other many awesome begins?
A such position with arterial hypertension as in us, has been in the USA, German, Japan on 1972, and by a good control for arterial pressure and planned cure used within 20 years are quantities for destroyed brain blood circulation are lowered on half. And if we are use methods, situation changing in us, not needing many moneys from budget, regions are needing taking part in manufacturing program. But an all state methods are not giving wishing results, if everybody will not take attention right. Sufferings with hypertension are needing regularity to check pressure, write stats in special diary and right use remedies.
2. Many patients are not informed a which pressure is raised, add clarity in this question.
Raised pressure is 140/90 mm and more, in low diastolic raised to 90 mm are complications possible for arterial hypertension, destroying blood circulation and acute coronary failure, and more diastolic pressure, thus a risk of these complications' appearance.
On 1993 a received international classification ,that by a which hypertension separating in depending from level rising arterial pressure :140-179/90-105 is soft arterial hypertension, more 180-200/106-114 is moderate arterial hypertension, more 200 /more 115 mm is hard arterial hypertension, equal or more 220/equal or more 130 mm in combination with damaging eyehole is malignant syndrome for arterial hypertension , more 16/less 90 mm is isolated systolic hypertension.
In soft arterial hypertension patients feeling satisfactory, and thinking, than not needing curing. By stats Neurologic ,that in these groups are having acute destroying brain blood circulation as strokes, infarcts.Hypertonic disease and atherosclerosis are both sides for one medal.Roots for arterial pressure destroying and lipid metabolism lying in a base for atherosclerosis development are same.
3. A how we are informed, that in a cure for hypertension are sucess using achievements for chronomedicine, that at hospitals using monitoring, hour for hour defining condition of organism within a day, maybe at home this is ability to do.
And not just a can, but need, at home monitoring having peculiarities, absence affecting of white robe, in patients in not stable nerve system arterial pressure rising , just if they are entering in office , and first time check pressure on the 8.0 am, after every 3-4 hours till a half night. And a time, when are stats will rise,thus they are your hour of peak, a meet need with weapon, and advance use remedy, as remedies by prolonged efects/Renitec, Norvax, etc, use before 8 hours till critique time , other as captopril before 2 hours. Daily monitoring helps to rate a cure, thus doing his with a background of cure taking. A keeping good feeling and work capacity is building your day regime by a dynamic arterial pressure.A possible transfer and lunchtime, that from a other hypotensive remedies taking after meal, in 15-20 min, and not forget about diet, not to salt dishes, if they are seems fresh, not salted, and who is systematically curing, not carried away for protein meal, as on the backgrounds proteins as animals will lead a fast addict to remedies, and they are staying less effective, but for 1-2 times/week is benefit rice-fruit diet. Remedies are drinking with warm water, that is improving absorbing, and in fast rising pressure chew and swallow or put under tongue , not drinking.
For one in 3-6 months suffering with soft arterial hypertension are need to visit to doctor ,that to correct a cure.
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