By Mamamtavrishvili , professor.
This is happening of nail wring cutting, or wearing tight shoes.Thus, you can use my method, on a producing this not hurt and effective method for cure a growth nail in are received author s evidence.
About a nail, that grows in surrounding tissues are signs ,that hurt in corners of nails or nail roller, and often happening this with a nail of big finger a leg. And hurt feeling ,when you are wearing shoes or pressing on a nail with finger.
Use triangular file, wash his good, or scald a hot water, sit, and with one from rib a file saw nail for across/parallelly for nail roller, in his middle part a so, that sawed strip has been on 5 mm a not width, saw till in region for sawing not removing external surface of keratinized nail, and he will be a soft. In easy pressing on manufacture's surface, a nail he is easy bending, when a stopping pressing is straightening out . And in a sawing nail is visible decreasing his bend by convexity to outward , edges are rising up, and ache lowering. But attention, when nail grow/in three weeks-months, ache will restore, thus repeat procedure, and later ache will stop a forever. If grow in nail complicated with inflammation for surrounding tissue redness, pus secretions, ichors , thus avoid at home doing procedures visit surgeries. And nails grows in of wrong cutting, or who wearing tight shoes. And in adult, who is having on legs valgus bones, nail of big finger pressed to other, always injuring. And here is preventing for grow in nails, are following leading to rules:
Not wear tight, narrow shoes, if feet deformed use supinators and foam pads between big and other fingers, that he is not curvature and not injured , or wear special orthopaedic shoes.
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