On the last time are often at home happening poisoning by preparations of household chemical. These are fighting with spots as spots removing, killing insects , flies, varnishes, paints. As in cosmetic things entering alcohol, as in cologne, lotions are wine spirits/amyl, burnil , affecting a toxic on nerve system. As entering inside these substances causing strong alcohol poisoning with breath hard and heart activity, gastrointestinal disorders.
Insectoids are chloroform , carpophore and other analogises are phosphorus organical connections and causing an acute and chronic poisons.
As if they are entering in organism inside through gastric highway , damaging nerve system and heart activity destroying ,thus in hard poisoning patient loosing sense, till cramps, heart shortening numbers decreasing, muscle weakness, lowering pressure and stopping breathing.
For inhalations' poisonings are having dizziness, nausea, sickness, vision bad, sweating high, psychical exciting. Repellents are against flying insects using having dimethyl phthalate , in organism transferring in methyl spirit, after splitting till toxic products/ants, formaldehyde , and much dosages of repellent use inside leading to hard conditions. A sense loosing, breath activity hard , till stopping his, vision nerve damaging that risk for blindness.
Acids, alkaline.
Vinegar essence as 80 perc.of sol. vinegar acid, salted acid , entering in structure a soldering Acid and liquids for baths washing, carbolic acid, sorrel, are fighting for rusts , and of caustic alkaline are hard caustic soda, ammonia spirit/water sol , caustic potassum , and also sol. of alkaline in household having nitinol , per sol . As vinegar acid entering in blood as sucking in are destroying blood cells are erythrocytes, organism lost hemoglobin is a base transfer for oxygen. And its negativity affecting on activity all vital organs. And in all cases of poisoning with clear displays, need to call a doctor! As especially first aid needing in poisonings by acids, alkaline as avoiding self washing stomach for patient, that is increasing vomiting, edema throat, and entering theirs in breath ways. A patient helping needing at hospital, as against repeating burning effects on mucus mouth membranes and gullet, give for patient are 2-3 glasses of water and not more! And not neutralize poison liquids, give to drink weak alkaline in poisoning by acids and contrary. As by experiences in interactions these substances are forming carbonic gas, that stomach will be stretching, aches increasing and bleeding. Acid or alkaline entering on the skin and mucus membranes for lips, eyes wash bug quantities of water /1-2 l, or doing under stream from teapot or crane.And in poisoning of cosmetic items, insecticides, spots removing, aniline paints till a emergency visiting cause in patient vomiting, if he is in sense. And for this drink on 2-3 glasses of salted water and with both fingers, wrapped with gauze press on tongue root. And without sense, put his, that head turned on side , that preventing a stomach contain from in breath ways, in stocked tongue, cramps, when jaws are stronger closed and preventing for normal breath, care throw back head by patient and push forward low jaw and up, that he is ability breath through nose.
Home household are very saving our life in cleaning home,that not forget to check instruction a how to use and how to keep. Avoid at home stocking up for households , that not to guaranty a full hermetically by bottles, where they are keeping. And especially its about a phosphorus organic connects and items having fourth chloride carbon, trichloroethylene are these items having a high volatility.
A most risking are those, who using non patency items with fighting insects , and varnishes, dissolving with chloride carbo hydrocarbons,as inhalations poisoning by these items are lading to hard results. And thus at kitchen manufacturing with insecticides and rooms all meal and dishes close from children's, and childrens, adults leave home.
As workers with insecticides need to cover face with masks, glasses ,after insecticides , home need to ventilate within a few hours, for night avoiding using insecticides, where you are sleeping.
A solution of insecticides need to dissolve if its a pill in water and in dishes which are not using after .
By Muromov, candidate for medical science.
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