A woman which as serious decided to improve an own figure, using methods of athleticism are will reward for due for development of muscles of spine, these muscles affecting on posture, giving elasticity, feminine lines of silhouette. Am offering exercises for spine muscles, theirs doing with barbell, dumbbells, or other weights.
Exercises for muscles of top spine part.
1. Reduce shoulders for back -up, barbells or dumbbells in lowered hands.
2. Turning moves by shoulders, load in lowered hands.
Exercises for muscles a middle spine part.
3. In incline, attract barbell to belt.
4. Alternately in incline with one or other hand pulls up dumbbell till breast level, free hand reduce in bench.
5. Pulls up in incline one end of barbell by both hands other end of barbell skipped between legs and fixed.
6. Pulls up on crossbar by different grabs /if self is hard, thus ask help.
7. Stay in incline, take away back-up hands with dumbbells.
Exercises for muscles, low part of spine.
8. pulls away barbell from incline position, legs are on the stand.
9. Inclines to the front with barbell on the shoulders.
10. Lie across a high bench by face down, feets are fixed hands behind head, incline and straighten with a most bending in waist.
Also, and a lot of data exercises are big loading going on vertebra , for avoiding injury good doing warm-up. Ready to exercises with weights better helping are inclines, turns by pelvis. Repeat exercises from 12 to 16 times and slowly lead quantities for approaches till 4.
In training, am advise to begin to enter one exercise for muscles of every part of the spine
, selecting a most available. And for muscles a spine exercises advising in sitting work, for affecting and development stoop. Regular training you are soon feeling a how straightening your spine, breast cell rising, improving posture, elastic and graceful staying gait.
By Shubov , manager for athletic club Moskvich.
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