By Vasilchenko, doctor for medical science, professor.
Alternative is having, ehich cure will prescribe and on which date is doctor w desides as on depending your condition.
Why a surgery?First fearing reaction by women, when this diagnosis put, she true worry and scattered, that lots of women in this diagnosis true stressing ,that doctors too worrying about a such stress ,that not ability to fight in women, she's beginning finding symptoms, which are never felt, that fears about myoma is cancer. And lots of methods heard ,that surgery and long conservative cure offered, increasing tumour , thus for helping you in this stressed situation and take patience for not worry you must stay calm and use cure , which on about am here to talk. Myoma is benign tumor and in spreading having on 10-27 percent in gynaecological patients. And by my checks she is displaying without serious displays, and in satisfaction condition. Diagnosis myoma putting in young womens and on 30-40 years old, when she's visiting for doctor with sterility, or pregnancy time on, sometimes patient having complaints with uterine bleeding, destroying menstrual function, these are all symptoms directed on myoma. But found myoma, that we are finding dysfunctions inflammation diseases for sex organs, endometriosis, these are all pathologic conditions tied, and one link in chain, passing away from structure, are faster taking for itself are other. And myoma is bad, that leading to imbalance a lot of organism systems, suffering with myoma you are having uterine bleeding, they are causing anemia, negativity affecting on liver work, after destroying menses function , that leading to loosing hormonal balance, thus are destroying in endocrine and nerve system. And diagnosis myoma is a not meaning right away a surgery. Two ways for cure are surgery and conservative, every from theirs indicated in definition condition for tumor, and to every having contraindications. And on an early finding myoma curing by conservative methods, and curing disease gynaecological as accompaniments for her, restoring destroyed metabolism processes , hormonal, and doing preventing for anemia. Goal for conservative cure is ache to liquidate, bleeding ,that all for women s worrying, to slow down tumor growing, and doing her by course on 2-4 months. Doctor prescribing, but women need to know about her tendencies common. In therapy processes are to corrigate metabolism processes, and for that meaning having is diet, limiting fats, carbohydrates, increasing proteins, vitamin A,C,E,K, B groupd, microelements, copper, zn, iron, iodine, fruit, and vegetable juices are all needing in myoma for woment. Against anemia prescribing for therapy iron remedies, in abundant, long menses before 3 days to menses and in menses prescribing remedies shortening uterine, rising her tone, as extract of water pepper or herba bursa pastoris. And not rare myoma having with vegeto-vessel destroys, you are bad sleep, irritating, crying, such remedies will doctor prescribing, am advising eleuterococcus on 20 drops for 2 times/day, if arterial pressure is normal, and leonurus tincture on 30-50 dropd for 3 times/day in hypertension, using these remedies for 1 till 3 months. Conservative cure are including physical factors, and question is one:Does she stimulate tumor tissue to grow? All tests are done and no, all using methods giving a benefit. This is electrophoresis, magnet fields of low frequencies, radone and iodine-bromide baths. And still way is hormonal therapy, when physical and medicaments not helped,and also using with physiotherapy. And doctor will be prescribing ,that finding character for hormonal destroys , defining a how women enduring different preparations.
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