If you constantly use these shoes, feet are enduring high loads, like in weightlifter lifting barbell, thus later having aches in pillows of fingers, and often legs twisting, ache in legs are loosing theirs natural flexibility, and often twisting are about looseness are shin joints, thus this walk, as shares in ballet leading till shortening calf muscles, lowering theirs elastic. Thus, minimal bending to walk by naked feet or in shoes on the low heel needing additional efforts. Legs are faster tired, and gait staying a running. Thus, who enjoying high heels : within a day use high heels, middle, low heels , and add complex for morning exercise are squats on all feet, walk on heels clamping between fingers are smooth stones, swing swaying on the fingers bases. A last exercise doing, stay on book, board, that heels staying on weight, and trying lowering theirs lower, and after using high heels right away every from this exercise doing ten times. And more frequently walk, run by naked feet on sand, grass, water, at home use socks or slippers with soft heel.
2. Which benefit effects having in stewed milk?
Any food can change on milk, but nothing a full not change a milk, so as she's having all substances benefit for us. An most full they are shown at stewed milk ,that is having charactering peculiarity, with a having nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide gas, and in boiling these gases are flying away. And stewed milk drinking, if you are sure , that cow has been healthy, thus milk need to boil, that not infecting from sicked cow a tuberculosis, brucellosis . But stewed milk not benefit in anacide gastritis, chronic colitis, chronic enteritis. And healthy people's true bad enduring such milk, that of insufficient in theirs ferment lactase, loosening a milk sugar.
3. Why on the sunny summer day, when you are sitting on the lake are hurting eyes?
Straight and reflected from smoothness a pond or snow cover a sunlight strong irritating eyelids, cornea, that damaging trigeminal twigs of nerve, that sun rays bad affecting on retina receptors, that is destroying in her transferring metabolism and photochemical processes as speeding up a split for vision pigment. Thus, long staying on sun as on summer, winter and on the skies walks or rest in mountains without sunglasses are leading to eyes tired, light fear, tearing. And very bad affecting is very light on the peoples ,suffering from complicated myopia , glaucoma, nerve vessel and dystrophic changes for retina. And who endured surgery in cataracts, defects of rainbow mucus of eyes after injury or surgery, insolation high are dangerous , that staying a reason for different complications till retina burning with lowering vision. For eyes protecting from intensive sun rays use sunglasses with smoke or yellow-green filters , and better preventing from sun rays are glasses with side shields, and correcting protection glasses. In glaucoma on clear light, wear glasses with green-blue protection glasses /3C-1/, WHICH ARE GOOD EFFECTING ON NERVE SYSTEM AND LOWERING IN EYES PRESSURE. In BAD FEELINGS AND ACHES IN EYES TRYING FASTER STAY IN SHADOW, ON EYELIDS PUT LOTIONS COLD WITH COLD WATER, OR STRONG COLD BLACK TEA OR 0.5 PERC. SOL.OF SODA MEAL, AND ATTENTION, THESE DISPLAYING NOT RIGHT AWAY HAVING, LATER IN 6-8 HOURS AFTER SUN STAYING, BUT IF THESE METHODS NOT HELP ,THUS VISIT OCULIST!
4. What is scabies, what I must to do if at home patient having scabies?
As very contagious diseases as infecting from other patient, sicked dogs, cats, rabbits, cows, horses, pigs, chickens, doves. Scabies tick not possible check and hide attaching on skin of patient are females of scabies ticks burrowing in her horny layer, and paving scabies hodways on 1 cm in length ,like white or mud-grey winding scratch, apply ,like by needle sharp, here they are depositing from 20–50 eggs, are from which in 2-3 weeks forming a sex ripe ticks, as outward to crawling they are entering in skin on other parts and all cycle repeating . In adults' ticks are damaging skin between legs fingers, inside surface for wrists, bending surfaces in elbows, breast, belly, waist, buttocks, skin of sex organs in males, and nipple circles in womens.In children sticks living on palms, inside edges for feet and heels, face, spine, hairs parts of head. I n ten days or in month-half since infected are strong itch having, as given our scratches, through theirs entering purulent microbes. And in result of displaying boils, abscesses, that condition common worsening. If you are right away visiting doctor, thus scabies liquidating within a few days, and today are having modern therapy as effective anti scabies, but theirs using earlier. And if you are sicked, your members' family needing stopping contacting till a full curing, and you are visiting dermatologist for checking. And all transferring for scabies doing though hands shaking, touching. And use right hygiene methods, good wash hands with soap, take bath or shower, use own hygienic items, separate wash clothes and underwear, bed linen, boil good and glade , at home everyday cleaning floors, furnitures with a hot 1-2 perc. Soap-soda solution, and rag after cleaning good to wash in hot water, but for children with scabies avoiding visiting school till a full recovering!
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