By Eremin, Yunusov , doctors.
In many womens are coughting, laughting, fast moving, something to raising are happening incontinence urine secretion. Sometimes of a few drops, or full containing a urine bladder, doctors are sharing here incontinence urine in tensiion. And happening from wrong circuit functions of sphincter and urinary canal as urethra,that of different reasons, a one is pubescences of inside sex organs are leading to shifting of urinary bladder and urethra. And incontinence having of hard, long births,rapid, as here head of embryo long staying in excit from pelvis, urinary bladder is pressing and his tissues injuring. In rapid births are muscles ruptures forperineum, and in both cases later replacing a connective tissue, loosing previouse elast and its leading to destroying mechanisms for urine holding. And a most often incontinence in tension having on climax time, when hormonal over building staying an organism, and less elast and tight having tissues. But this is having in young womens, never birthed,and never had sex life, as of inborn non development muscles of pelvis bottom, weak tone theirs of hormonal destroys. And effective methods for therapy is physical exercises , they are affecting for strengthening weak muscle-ligament apparatus for pelvis bottom, normalization for closing functions for sphincters of urine bladder and urethra. And if doing exercises regularity, you can fight obesity, and its importance , as in obesity increasing loading on urine bladder. And by us, offering complexes for exercises are for womens, which incontinence not clear having, in complexes entering exercises for common developming and breath, for muscle press and smuscle of spine, and special exercises for strengthening muscles of pelvis botton.
But before training you must ask in urologisr and therapeutist,that is needing, thus parts of exercises recommending doing lie, on inclined plane, foot end of which raised under corner on 20-30 degrees,that is preventing abundant rising pressure, affecting by organs of peritoneum organs on urinary bladder, and involuntary urination on the training.But womens with hypertension, destroying of brain blood circulation these positions training are avoiding, doctor will advise doing lie horizontally. And not use right away all complex, for a first two weeks doing exercises 1-3, 5,6,,8,9 , 12-14, 23,25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, since third week add to these exercises are exercises 4,10, 11,15-19, 24,28 and 33.
And just fifth week use all complex,load increase slowly.Within a first week, use three lessons, as on tuesday, sunday,thursday, after everyday one lesson, in 4 weeks you can train on every day. So,slowly widening a round for exercises doing and increasing repeats numbers or continuation every from theirs/in a first two weeks these numbres noted in approximately complex a first number, and for next two weeks -second, fifth from weeks -third , lead continuation every lesson with 15 min to 20 min, before 1.5-2 hours to meal, or later in 2 hours after, before emptybowel and urinary bladder. Additional to this complex am recommending everyday doing and such exercises: short muscles forperineum,draw in anus is breathe in, relax-breathe out, and doing his on any condition and on any position, sit, stay or lay. And for you a following schemes for exercises:
For a first week are ten exercises plus rest on 30 sec, doing two times in row, for 3-5 lessona within a day.
For a second week : 13 exercises plus rest 30 sec -doing two times in row, within a day are 6-8 lessons.
Since third week: 15 exercises plus rest for 30 sec, doing 5 times in rows, for are ten lessons within a day.
And take care, for leading stable effectr from gymnastic , thus doing her are 4-6 months, systematicaly and persistently, not from a case to case.
In improving condition doctor can to allow slowly increase physical loads, as you can more walk for hikes, walks, on on skies, swim, rowing,skating , but avoiding taking part in competitions.
If with exercises to lead are results not possible, thus adding medicament and physiotherapies, and if here not enough, thus use surgery.
And these exercises, not are healing method, but and preventing methods for prolapse urinary organs and incontinence urine in tension. As for womens after births, with perineum injuries, and those,who enters in climax age.
1.Stay, legs are together, hands for body along, and up-breathe in, down-breathe out, repeat aew 3-5-6 times.
2. Same pose, walking an usual, on toes,crossed step by, on external edges for feets for 1-1.5-2 min.
3. Stay same, legs are on the width for shoulders, hands for body along, incline back, and hands up -breathe in, incline to front , not bending legs in knees, touching hands with a floor-breathe out/picture 1/, repeat are 6-8-10 times.
4. Stay , legs are together hands on waist, aroundturns with pelvis, initial breath, repeat are 8-10-12 times, picture 2.
5. Stay, legs on the width for shoulders, hands for body along, swing ,like sit, move hands back-breathe out/picture 3/, return back-breathe in, repeat are 8-10-12 times.
6. Stay, inclined to the front, legs are widely for shoulders, hands in sides, return corpus alternately to the right and left/picture 4/, repeat are 8-10-12 times, initial breath.
7. Stay, keep before yourself a stick, walk through her, initial breath, repeat are same.
8. Stay, hands behind head, separate elbows in sides -breath in, elbows connect and 2-3 times incline to the front-breath out, repeat are 3-5-6 times.
9. Sit on the floor, bended legs in knees, hands in emphasis back, bring together knees, short muscles for perineum and pull in anus -breathe in/picture 5/, separate knees and relax muscles for perineum -breathe out, repeat are 8-10-12 times.
10. Sit on the floor, bended legs and draw in to belly, roll in on spine is breathe in/picture 6/, return back-breathe out, repeat are 3-5-6 times.
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