A how to drink right water for thirst quenching.
On climatic conditions of middle strip, a water needing on 2300-2700 gr. And not means ,that quantity we need to drink. With food, we are getting 700, and with soup are 400 gr of water. With tea, coffee, compote, milk we are drinking on 800-1000 gr liquid. And if need we can drink still are two glasses of water are 500 gr. In hot climate countries in water needing till 3.5-5 l. /day, in the middle Asia at air temperature on 39-40 C and low humidity for peoples, work on an opening air are needing 6-6.5 l. of water. And a same harmful as not enough, and abundant drink. In a fast limiting liquid entering is decreasing with urination are products of splitting, and thirst having, worsening condition, lowering work capacity and intensity processes for digestion. And harmful gives and abundant drink, as by big portion, increasing sweating, diluted blood bad coping with a role for oxygen transferring, and increasing her size creating additional loading on the heart, vessels, kidneys. And a how better to distribute a liquid entering in organism within a day?For moderate climate is need to be a evenly, and on the lunchtime a some big. And south regions livers for benefit drink a big quantity liquid as tea on the morning, till work, thus in organism keeping an optimal liquid stock, and on the daily time on the hot season, drink is limiting, and in the evening you can drink a cup of tea. And you must know, that drinking water is a not right away thirst fighting, but in 10-15 min as by a measure her sucking and entering the blood and organism tissue. Lowering thirst and periodically gargle throat slightly salted water or a few gulps of water , drinking with interval of 10-20 min.
A drink is Pepsi-cola.
In our south towns are selling this drink, what is about this drink.
A Pepsi is refreshing and moderate tone drink, and his tone effect is due to a containing nuts of cola, with alkaloids rich are caffeine, and theobromine. Aromatized drink by essential oils mixtures as lemon, orange, Pomerania and spices, as vanilla, cardamom. As drink this a having high saturation a carbon gas, that rising spicy taste and keep for date elongation. Carbon gas inhibits vital activity for weak toxic for human, but a not dangerous for drink specific forms of microorganisms as yeast, and other few kinds of bacteria. And drink her better as cold, as she is good to fight thirst, taste is good, and having light tone effect. And keep drink in refrigerator, that he is not lost own substances within a month and longer. But in stomach ulcer , gastritis with high acidity are not drinking Pepsi , as and other gas water sweet, and not drinking her in sugar diabetes, that having sugar syrup.
Mechanic jaundice. Why she is displaying?
A calling jaundice is done by itself, causing reasons, leading to mechanical blockage a common gall duct. And of obstacle on a way a gall outflow is rising pressure in a lying for higher gall ways, and in gall capillaries, they are widening, breaking, and in gall enters blood. In result, jaundice displaying. And what is not ability spoil a way a gall in bowel, and a most often are stones, forming in gall stone disease, and common gall channel, maybe pressed by increased of inflamed head of pancreas gland, rare a reason for pressing is tumor reason. Mechanic jaundice , having with ache, chill, and temperature raised, dull ache or acute, faster for symptoms rising are different , and in depending on from reason ,which caused mechanical jaundice . And in developing jaundice measure a skin covers are having yellow or yellow-green colour, and skin itch having. And a big dangerous of mechanical jaundice are not in external displays, and in changes, which is happening in liver tissue. Mechanic jaundice is formidable symptom, needing in doctor visiting immediate.
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