Are more 20 .000 kinds of species by mosquitos are having , a few are activities on the daily time, night, or morning. Saliva of mosquitos entering in bite in skin causing itch, burning, and right away forming bladders and redness, but repeating bites leading to allergy, as exudative diathesis, as in children's in high sensitive to mosquitos saliva. Weak, or fight skin itch, you can with spirit solutions as vodka, cologne, sol. Brilliant green. Wetting pads and apply for a few sec. to the bite place, if these liquids are not having use sol. of drinking soda or ammonia spirit as on 1/2 tea.sp. in glass of water, and juice of lemon, orange , mandarine. Slightly helping fresh leafs of bird cherry, mint, eucalyptus, theirs bandaging or keep pm redness skin for 1-2 min. These remedies effecting individuality, every can to select a most effective, and its not good, try not scratch bites,, as infection entering easy, and leading to abscess.
By Kozir, candidate, for pharmacy sciences.
Less drink gas drinks.
Gas water is a good, fight thirst drink, refreshing, filling with carbonic gas, and having canning effect, and drinks gas keeping fresh, and transparent longer.
A better thirst fighting is water , on 7-15C, more warm good carries gas, more cold causing over cooling for throat mucus membranes. Adding natural berry and fruit syrup cooked of sugar , improving water taste, but not thirst fight. A how effects gas drink on organism? Carbonic irritating mucus membranes for digestion organs, increasing secreting stomach juice, thus glass of gas drink on an empty stomach will benefit for peoples in hard stool.
In heart diseases, hypertension, chronic nephritis, thus water not drinks. As faster absorbing in blood and abundant liquid quantity, hardening heart work and kidneys.
Avoid drink this water in ulcer diseases, gastritis with high acidity, liver diseases , and gall ways as on acuting time and in diarrheas, carbonic in water diluting worsening course these diseases.
On the hot days, are often water drinking, liquid abundant is a not benefit. And here are heart over loading, kidneys, if you are enjoying fight thirst with gas water, try to drink her on 2-3 glasses/day and not more.
By Bronnikova, Candidate for medical science.
Disinfecting patient's books, gadgets.
As agents of diseases, many keeping in external environment and on the items. Fungus and tuberculosis mycobacteria till a few months and till a few hours till 3-10 days. And preventing infection transferring through items, you must do rules for preventing!
All ,which used patients , with flu, or acute respiratory diseases , just keep all for 3 days in cabinet, also if patient suffered with bowel infection, pus or fungus diseases, tuberculosis, infection hepatitis, need to disinfect. As not used gadgets or books, you can burn, but used books, gadgets put in bag or sheet and disinfecting. And you can self to disinfect as rub books covers or gadgets with formalin, as. 10 perc.sol. sol. Formaldehyde, and after opened books and slightly pressed towel put in polyethylene bag and fix hard. Turn bag, that books stay on rib and open ,like fan. And for these disinfecting books from a niduses bowels as dysentery, peritoneum typhus, paratypes and dropsy infections as scarlet fever, diphtheria, erysipelas, skin fungus, abscess, pus are enough 4 hours. And if gadgets, books, used patient with tuberculosis, infection hepatitis, thus need are 24 hours.
By Belaev, Candidade for medical science.
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