In my biography a period stayed , when am worked on station young naturalists as manager for coterie, am enjoyed weather, children's , as good organizer, a war s person .An our station stayed on a big territory as carrying waters by Mozdoskaja steel by sung Tereka s poets.
A most time on the stations we are worked, tested, and one grape we had till 60 kinds, currant, gooseberry, rare plants, as irga , medlar German, jujube, and bushes, tress from all countries we had, and used diaries for nature and observations, accustomed to our steppe climate. They are cared for plants, removed weeds, prepared, watered, prepared hay for rabbits and feed theirs. In our ponds lived swans.And on ending practise we are enjoyed drunk tea of herbs, as forest, on natural fire. Under canopy stayed wood ovens , we are baked potato on fire, these are true remembered for all life. And working a station slowly fallen , but am sure, these stations needing to restore, children's needing raised to the nature close, they will healthier staying. Summer on, parents giving children's to grandmother and grandfathers at village for nature. A good is here when they are interested in gardening, asking and learning about herbs and this is benefit for mental and physical development , but now you can find in internet lots of info, but better when you are touching flowers, breathing aroma theirs and hearing birds singing, bees sounds and grasshopper talks.
As in our station a corner for nature we are prepared hibiscus, feed for birds for winter, wild herbs too stayed, as and poison. We are known theirs, children's with shared, that they must to avoid poisoning , that you need to learn children's, that not taste, and not touch foreign plants , but if they are not hearing you, put fencer around, or thorn roses arc of.
Lilly of the valley May as poisoning causing of clear-red berries, and here having headaches, cold sweating, diarrhoea, rare arrhythmic pulse.
Castor bean , poisoning of seeds eating, like beans looking , as of 2 seeds eating in 2 hours you are feeling headache, redness mouth, ache throat, lowering body temperature, rare low pulse.
Parsnip sweet-bitter of black fruits eating poisoning with bitter-sweet tastes.
Honeysuckle curly as smell is good, beauty flowers, and red berries very dangerous.
Hyacinthus on big dosages causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, hairs falling out, destroying blood circulation, damage kidneys.
Take attention, care for children's, and keep always are remedies helping in poisoning.
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