In national doctor press Herbalist , phytomanuiologist, manager foe School creativity Naumova shared about a how to prepare efective mixture in pyelonephritis, today she shared about a how to support health for womens on 40 plus, and what is to do if gall bladder is not ok.
Archangelica and scullcap.
And for a softer enter in climax stage, you can use a supporting and recovering mixture. Importance here is women s ginseng, or angelica and skullcap Baikal , first is support kidneys, gastrointestinal and reproductive system, second is true rejuvenating herb is skullcap affecting on an all organs, supporting and recovering, and good onco-protector.
A mass using dry, mix 4 arts leaf birch, herb scullcap three parts, root angelica, inflorescences clover red, 2 parts of herb field horse tail , flowers and leafs crataegus, prepared on the blooming time, one part mint piperine. One tbl.sp. add in 0.6 l. of water and boil on weak fire for 6 min, wrap, infuse for 3 hours, or for all night, filter, use within a day for three methods before meal, and still 2 between a meal time, course are 4-5 weeks, first 2-3 weeks rest, after you can repeat.
Avoiding in any myoma uterine forming are remedies of clover and angelica.
Miracle calendula.
And to this age in women's are having myoma forming, climax here is enduring harder, and with this forming and finding inflection and other gall bladder problems , and here suffering small bowel, that reflecting on the condition for thyroid gland, liver, hiphophysis .
And diseases for milk glands are also having after 40 y.old. And tied with stomach problem. In our organism having triangle as stomach- pancreas gland-spleen. And with fighting diseases, which provoking these bad functioning organs, you can restore work for all trio. And helps this a calendula of 2 tea.sp. chopped dried flowers adding in 2 glasses of the hot water, infuse till cooling, filter, one glass drink till lunch, and other on the half a day, three days using, five days rest, repeat cycle.
And for preventing diseases of triangle use long time , as on acuting time are 7–10 days. Recipe use additionally to the prescribed cure. In anatomic wrong position and dyskinesia, gall bladder herbal therapy is using for all life.
And in arsenal you must have flowers calendula, chamomile, leafs of birch, leaf, flowers fragaria, use three days one infusion as one tea.sp. mixture add in 0.5 l. of the hot water, and three days an other - etc, alternating herbs. And just quality mass keeping colour and smell, giving a needing result!
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