All winter am cooking hibiscus kvas ,am sure,that this drink my fanmily are not sicked of cold, as 0.5 kg of melting berries without hairs, washing, chopping with 800 gr of sugar, after adding 5 l. of warm boiled water, 10 gr of yeasts dried and crust of black brerasd. In foaming,am filtering drink, after adding in bottles, and put in warmfor day, after keep in refrigerator.
Comments Specialist by right meal Bogdanov.
Yeast drinks are rich with B vitamins, which is need for support normal heart work and nerve system, but this kvas is champion by vitamin C containing , which is strengthening immunity.
And in sweet gas drinks,where are lots of sugar and not benefit, here is less sugar and less calorie and very benefit. Daily dose drink 0.5 -1 glass for 2 times/day.
Avoiding in hyperacid gastritis, liver diseases, gall bladder with inflammations, and bowel, gall stones, trombophlebitis, high blood coagulation, endocarditis heart, heart failure, allergy.
Cunning method to sleep.
Are you getting enough sleep?
This answer reflecting your tiredness, multiplicity, poor attention, as in hard conditions.
Stabilize forces, Americans creating these cunning methods to sleep faster and easy, good feeling after, and on tomorrow having a good forces .Today this method using everybody, that who is having insomnia.
Within a few min you must: Comfortable lie, close eyes, relax facial muscles, tongue, jaw.
After shoulders , alternately a right and left hand, after breast cell, legs, hips from till fingers, nothing to think, le ten sec so, and alternately imagine picture ,that help you relaxing and calming.
You are lie in boat, as swimming on lake, and look in clean sky.
You are in a comfortable black hammock at dark room.
And within ten sec slowly repeating as not thin, not think..
So am learned fought my thoughts loads and emotions, and faster to sleep. Try this, am advising you.
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