By Chusov, candidate for biologic science.
And now, you are planning for hardening, and ready rubbing by wetted towel, take cool shower. But no hurry!
Which time a having every procedure? Maximum are ten minutes. And in which temperature conditions finding you are staying an other time, are 23 hours /day?
If at comfort , and a shower , and rubbing practically not affecting on your stability to cold. A long affecting a constant and comfort temperature will a full detraining physiological mechanism for therm regulation, lows theirs hope and leading to no effect from any short hardening procedures. At home, work, we are staying on 85 percent days, thus a time a use possible for organism hardening .A most effective and access methods are creating pulsating microclimate at place, where you are staying. And in the long affecting with him, a not competes a no one from hardening procedures. A goal for pulsating microclimate at in a place temperature not supporting on the one level, but hesitating with a right amplitude , as changing within a days from 16 till 22 degrees or contrary. Reacting on the changing temperatures , physiological methods for therm regulations are constant staying in tension, and thanks for this a constantly improving. And in result rising stability to the cold and fast changers' temperature. And its very importance,that they are staying a reason for weak protection forces of organism , that leading to diseases. And by hygienists checks, that between peoples at collectives are staying in changing temperatures as on right limits, are less diseases of cold cases are less. And rare sicked workers at hot factories, where amplitude for temperature changing till 8-12 degrees . And visible rising stability to cooling and temperature changing in schoolers, as studying at rooms with pulsating microclimate. Thus are three years checked for schoolboys at Moscow boarding school ,that using this microclimate affected a full liquidation are cold diseases . And for families checkers , that keeping an apartment pulsating microclimate are found a fact for stability to the cold and lowering cold diseases on 15-20 percents. A favourable effect of pulsating has been based on fundamental common biological regularity,as for a normal grow and development vital organism a need changing temperature of external environment, For example are eggs by locust keep at temp. 32 C ,thus larvae displaying in 5 days, in changing temperature as for 8 hours/day 32C , and on 16 hours is 12 C ,that is happening in 3 days.And it's a true,that pulsating microclimate is rises work capacity of human a mental a most. At place, constant temperature staying is displaying spilled inhibition, that mental work capacity. And doing hardening take care always use, amplitude for changing temperature is not rises on 3-5C , in 10–20 days her increase on 6-8 C and support on this level , for 2-3 weeks, and staying at place as a good enduring this regime, amplitude for changing temperature is increase on 9-10C. A changing temperature are not fast, wavily lowering or increasing for 7-8 hours, regulate temperature regime easy with conditioner. As to turn in and out on winter time these devices as changing temperature regime. But a most access method for creating microclimate are ventilating in every 2–3 hours. And if people's closing living with you with a sensitive to cold, weak by disease, amplitude for temperature changes is small, changing temperatures is doing wavily. And in all cases is care, that a not will be drafts. A good hardening effect, gives and such simple method, that a transfer from cool place in warm, as from a dark shadow to sun. A best recommended are contrast air baths. And take theirs on autumn and spring, when a difference a temperature on the street and at place 10-15c , AS WITHIN A DAY YOU ARE VISIT A BALCONY, OR VISIT OPENING WINDOW AS IN LIGHT CLOTHES ON 20-30 SEC. Slowly CONTINUATION OF THIS PROCEDURE INCREASE TILL 1-2 MIN.
To train mechanisms for therm regulation is a possible orienting on the warm protecting effects of cloth: for example at work, remove jumper, jacket, , and in 2 hours again wear, after remove, and so a few time.
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